And, as Xyzzy noted, the beauty of him is that it's entirely plausible he would!
And, as Xyzzy noted, the beauty of him is that it's entirely plausible he would!
Folks, don't ever try this, even in fun. They are ridiculously lucky that when that chain broke (and of course it was going to), that it didn't take one of those spectators heads or arms off. The driver was stupid...the people standing right next to where a) they could get sliced in two by a recoiling cable or b) be…
This is exactly the problem, and it's why HHS is making the right call to not intervene. Being on the transplant list is, unfortunately, not a "everyone gets what they need" situation. It's bascially triaging the dying, and everyone who gets an organ is likely living at the expense of someone else dying who didn't…
I dunno, I think it's reflective of the broader culture in South Korea. It's not xenophobic to note that South Korea has the highest rate of plastic surgery, and what you see with the pagent is a exemplar of that mindset. My distaste for a culture that teaches people they have to look a certain way in order to be…
Wow, so, XKCD just put this up.
What testimony did MLB have to give in any criminal proceedings? They didn't have the evidence they needed...that's why they wanted to get info from him, and why they were suing to begin with. So...I'll buy that them dropping their suit permanently is maybe incentive, but given that his testimony is going to have to…
Well, and even if the name was Dr. Who, since when was Who a "male" name?? So Doctor Who would continue to work just fine for the name of the show.
If the name Grimhilde is not actually used in the movie, then it doesn't count. As far as I can tell, it only appears in other material about Snow White, not in the film (caveat: did not go rewatch the film to determine that, used google).
As noted elsewhere, the main issue is probably not grade inflation, but a scoring system for picking the valedictorian(s) which isn't fine grained enough. I went to two high schools. The first graded (and gave report card grades) based on a 100 point scale. Valedictorian would be determined based on those 100 point…
If you are capable of taking the life of another innocent human being then you have lost the right to have any "higher level needs" met in my opinion.
So, perhaps you've heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? I would agree that needs lower on the pyramid are more "essential" than the ones higher up (the shape of course suggesting they are 'foundational' for the higher level needs). That doesn't make those other things not needs though. I'd like to think that, as a…
Yes! Yoga ball ftw. Our first cried a lot, especially at night, and the only way we could reliably get her to sleep was to sit on a yoga ball holding her and bounce...bounce...bounce...bounce.... She'd stop crying, and after about 30-45 min of bouncing, you'd be able to get up and set her in her crib, asleep. She…
You are right, it doesn't entitle anyone to anyone else's body. However, that doesn't make false the statement that there is a need for outlets for sexuality. Think of it this way: saying that humans (as a group) NEED intimate relationships doesn't mean any individual human is ENTITLED to an intimate relationship. …
So...sure, I get expecting that people be nice, good people. I think there's a slight difference between having that expectation, and then irrevocably judging someone if they ever fall at all short of that expectation. Like, if the bf was always curt with servers, sure. But being "not rude, just kind of abrupt" one…
Yes, I agree. It's not a "bad" stat, but the headline is pretty implies that gay couples are more likely to raise kids in, say, Salt Lake City than elsewhere, which is not what that statistic says and probably is false. A better statistic to back up the headline would be "city with the highest…
Coulda seen that coming.... The people in legal who sent the C&D might have rocks for brains, but there was bound to be someone who would recognize this was Very Bad Publicity when it became a fairly prominant human interest story across many media outlets.
Well, that just sort of proves her point. If it hadn't been this landmark case which completely changed the landscape, perhaps we wouldn't be talking about wouldn't have become the rallying cry it did, to the point where both pro- and anti-choice individuals have a difficult time seeing anyting but Roe v Wade.
Fwiw, we may call it "the justice system", but the goal isn't and has never been true justice. Justice is "an eye for an eye", and we ruled that out a long time ago. So, no, going to prison for this crime isn't justice, and no, it certainly isn't fair. Our system has two primary goals: protect the public; and…
Awesome, that's a great catch!