
Historically, ecstasy could refer to either pure or cut MDMA, common street usage notwithstanding.

You may have seen this one too. There's a number of examples of how the apocalypse has been prettied up in those shows.

Certainly. If you are being pressured into getting one, and don't want one, that would be a "wrong" reason to have one. The onus would be mostly on the person exerting the pressure, but that doesn't make it a "good" reason.

Never said that. However, without having the transcripts for everyone at your school, they will be unable, for example, to tell if your individual class rank is due to taking more difficult, unweighted classes than your peers who took easier unweighted courses; or simply due to lower performance on similar

"GPA at one school is very much like GPA at another"

High schools are ranked? Ranked based on what? Standardized tests. Does that extra degree of separation between the standardized test and the comparison really make things better?

That's what I was noticing too. Those eyes stay completely steady, which, considering the considerable forces at work behind the head, is unreal.

You're welcome. That's fine, I wasn't really intending you should try and go (unless, of course, you wanted to), but so that you could read what they have to say and just understand that there are some good ones out there; and, as you say, in case you have friends that might be interested. I have far too many doubts

If it's of any use, here's links to some of the churches I've either attended or am familiar with which I KNOW are truly progressive and fully accepting of LGBT:

Not in my experience. I have only been to 3 or 4 reconciling churches, but they've all been very dedicated to the cause. I tried to get married at one of them, but we had to go elsewhere to get married because that church had decided not to do any weddings until all of its members were legally allowed to get

Look for a reconciling congregation in your area. It's a movement to embrace LGBT Christians as normal members of the church. There is certainly more to being a loving Christian than that, but it does, unfortunately, seem to be sort of the dividing marker between those who are and those who aren't. Good luck, and,

Coming soon to a legislature near you: a bill to require a woman to hold a 3d model of her fetus before it is aborted. Won't that be fun. :|

Are you in your teens? Surely not your naughts. Hint: you said, "as a younger person". Which, especially in the context of an article discussing a preference for hiring kids fresh out of college, would imply 20s. So...early 30s then? I mean, could be teens, but that seems unlikely, and I can't imagine someone in

Do you really believe that will remain true? I do think there was a generation gap between those who came of age on the internet and those who came of age before. Not that the older set couldn't become as comfortable and fluent—many did—but it was a less universal skill. However, now...? Do you think that in

This. I don't care how much you prefer your own doctor, when YOU ARE DYING, any doctor will do!

While Josh Susser has demonstrated that it is possible to get a good slate of women, even with trying he only got 25%. It's certainly a sad fact that the industry is heavily dominated by males, and that many women find it a lot less welcoming than other career paths. I remember talking with the woman who founded the

This. Even if the argument was COMPLETELY true that Black Friday is Very Important so that poor families can have a good Christmas, there's simply ZERO reason why it has to be on Thanksgiving. Or at midnight. Or 4am. They could open the doors at a reasonable hour on Friday morning and still offer the super special

I know, that was really an amazing time for sports, the chemistry on later shows just has never matched that.

That's true love. You think that happens every day? You could not ask for a more noble cause than that.

This I think is the reason. The other, possibility of parole, is taken care of with the distinction of "life without parole" and "life". Not all states have "life without parole" as an option, I think, but some do as an alternate sentence to the death penalty. Unlike regular life, there is no eligibility for