
shoot ... someone be a dear, and tell me what movie is pictured above? i remember seeing promos for it, but am blanking on a name.

@NoOneSpecific: technically yes (although somewhat of a red-headed stepchild), however it would be more correct to say 'windows/linux' since osx is a subset of linux, not the other way around.

@Reptawr ΦΙΑ: the fact that you left out linux shows an obvious bias. prepare yourself for the wrath of an hundred nerds, good sire.

@4thletter: didn't you see the kinONE and kinTWO?! at least since then :P

@bigwe94: which speedway? i spent the great majority of my life to date near avon/john r.

roch. hillz represent! that's where i was born and raised/spent most of my days.

@know1: yes, if you are rooted, you can't do OTA updates. all you have to do is unroot before you do an OTA.

@know1: root that junk - there's numerous 2.2 roms for the vibrant, possibly even 2.2.1; i have a captivate, rooted it the first day i had it and haven't looked back. i only revert to stock when i'm about to install a new rom.

@Rakkoon: what the pink guy said said. within context, i can't see complements being the correct choice.


@Bizdady: galaxy s has all of the above except data. awesome feature :D

@Androsia: haha yes ... it's a personal theory that they're just leaking firmwares in the meantime. crossing my fingers for a spring release of 2.3 ... one can hope!

@Androsia: i generally use a minimalistic mod with black background; i think i'm pulling 20hrs of moderate use on a JK3 mod. JK3 is super snappy :D

@lozerette: green-eye is three shots plus drip.

@Vagabum: i think you mean c&c. red alert is similar, but does not contain the ion cannon.