@OGHowie: BB? like the Torch? i don't think that would help his image issue, haha.
@OGHowie: BB? like the Torch? i don't think that would help his image issue, haha.
@morning-cup-of-MEH: read the link Tony Kaye posted. he's a comment mod.
@Brownski: well, if it's worth anything ...
@Dilpickle1: notion ink adam!
@Brownski: SAMOLED. google voice. the ability to tinker with the device. widgets. a bevy of customizable apps.
@chickdigger802: haha, right you are. it's completely unusable on windows. i've heard rumors that it plays nicely with osx, but i'm not shelling out a cool thousand to test that theory ...
@Brownski: price. feel. all-around sexiness.
@chickdigger802: actually, the worst crapware is iOS. i be trollin' ;)
root it and shoot it. if you buy an android phone and don't root it (assuming of course, that this is a low-risk operation), you're an idiot. gaining su access to the phone opens up a whole new world.
good. hp made a rash decision and will likely pay for it. hopefully their momentum continues and they don't screw up the palm division.
1.6 ... hahahahaha.
yes, but think of all the casino chips you can pick up with one of these bad boys.
@Ding-Dang: yeah, that is a nice touch, haha.
@Ding-Dang: dude. blast from the past.
@ekornblum: the frooch is dead! long live the frooch!
@Icon57: damn good read.
@schunniky: eh, it happens. be a man, man. get that star back.
@espinha: a lot being too vague is on par with wanting to trademark face and book. that's how zuckerberg rolls, yo!
@schunniky: i'm pretty sure it was for the 'profit!' meme. that, 'will it blend', 'will it run crysis', and a few other memes are no-nos. for what it's worth, i thought it was hilarious. just ... no more 'profit!'