@Prostate of Grace: that's more likely
@Prostate of Grace: that's more likely
i'm digging this from the dregs of my memory, but i seem to remember reading about this somewhere a few months ago; i think the major consensus was that there's a problem with computing logic which would prevent the usb drive from being read.
@Benguin: yes, that's the one
@Missus Dinnie Dorito.: seriously.
@Kayonesoft: yep, i agree. i'm planning on snagging it during the holiday season, or seeing what WP7 has to offer.
my uncle grew up with the people that owned that farm; they were family friends.
@jmkarstetter: i'd like to purchase this shmexy beast off contract. sad to hear it's gonna be $600 though :\
@mwob: what's wrong with leeks?
@jamesallen818: well, is'nt that a good point you have their ...
@Harpsichord: except in soviet russia, comment disemvowels you!
@pz: i see what you did their ...
@bluelight7: the commenting sometimes gets screwy at night
@Rosa Golijan: ah ... that's sad :\
@bokscutter: This is the beginning of the end of the internet being cool.
rosa, have you been hanging out in #whitenoise surreptitiously?
just jailbreak, download sbsettings, and hide the app if you're worried about someone finding it on the phone
@dinniedraco: good thoughts, except i'd liken them more to palm instead of motorola. the former stagnated, while the latter started really concentrating on the smartphone era.
really? no wisecracks about the helicopter level being *ahem* OVER 9000!!!