Not a hex! A binding! Different kettle of fish. A hex is a spell to harm someone. A binding is a spell to stop the person (or Cheeto) from harming others.
Not a hex! A binding! Different kettle of fish. A hex is a spell to harm someone. A binding is a spell to stop the person (or Cheeto) from harming others.
It’s a mirror. That’s Robin’s hand going presidential. You can see the photog and his camera flash also.
It’s a mirror... that Robin’s hand. You can see he photographer and the flash of his camera. I’m going to go throw up now.
I lived in Ste. Foy/Quebec City for 10 months between 1998 and 1999 as a (accented) French speaking anglophone, and experienced discrimination for the first time in my life. The people there were, for the most part, incredibly bigoted. I would actually often hear people swearing at me (“Crisse d’Anglais”) when they…
I was just going to pop in to say the same thing! I’m going through treatment for Lyme, after just being diagnosed last week, and having some real shitty neuro/cognitive symptoms. Forgetting words, losing my train of thought/conversation, being unable to concentrate. Some days I can’t even type. Raising my finger in…
Well, he did also grab her and kiss her on the lips without her permission (on the fucking lips! Eeeeuuughhh. There’s not enough bleach in the world!), so there’s that. Hardly nothing. Exactly the same behaviour he fessed up to with his “locker room” talk.
Asking once is offensive. But not taking “no” for an answer and repeatedly badgering her is disgusting.
Uh, porn actress =/= prostitute. That’s like asking Rachael Ray to be head chef at a busy restaurant.
Now that I am an adult with IBS-D, looking back on my childhood I realize that back then it was IBS-C. I didn’t know that then, though, because I was too embarrassed to talk to anyone about my poop. I would go sometimes a week or two without shitting, then painfully strain out a huge turd. My dad was a big teaser, and…
He probably “dropped by” her dressing room. Barf.
“Waxing each other’s vaginas” makes me think of the trick my mom has of rubbing a candle on a sticky snowsuit or sleeping bag zipper to make the zipper glide more easily. That may ease childbirth, but I think you may have meant “waxing each other’s labia”.