
I had tyo cut people out of my life, including some co workers. Even though Oregon went blue, these asshole really to vote for Johnson (REALLY?) or (WE WORK IN A MULTINATIONAL COMPANY, NUMBSKULL). Now, that this craptastic cabinet, the corruption and outright hatred of women have been revealed, these asshole are all

yeah but you don’t understand. Bernie would have won and the DNC undermined (the primary process which is not a democratic process and never has been) democracy! /s

Ikr? I kept listing the reasons that voting for Hillary Clinton was important. It included reproductive rights, 20 million people who will lose their healthcare (including me and I have a life threatening pre existing condition), and the supreme court.

And I am *still* having to argue with people on this site about Clinton and her apparent...conceit? Arrogance? As the pillars of progressive reform are toppling down one by one, these people aren’t blaming the people actually doing the damage. They aren’t blaming the voters who can’t see past the end of their own

I’m still angry at people who didn’t give enough of a shit to vote, voted third party because they thought HRC was “the same” or worse than Trump, and those that voted Trump as a fun little protest vote, not thinking he’d actually be elected

What I think of when I think of “white people” and “culture.”

And she died drowned in moonlight...strangled by her own bra.

“8 out of 10 Cats”, a British panel show. It’s delightful.

And she was a worthy leader.

She was also a highly respected script doctor, known for saving Sister Act and The Wedding Singer, among dozens of others.

carrie fisher you were a badass icon who got to walk the red carpet with tom hiddleston and a frenchie with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. mad respect.

Thank you for everything, Carrie. For your bravery and charm and your refusal to shut up or give up. For lifting the veil off mental illness. For refusing to be ashamed. And most of all for showing my daughter that being a princess isn’t just about finding a prince. You will be so missed.


Princess Leia was one of the first true female role models I had: tough, funny, smart, just as capable (and often more so) of handling shit as the guys, AND she wound up with the hottest dude in the end. Later on, she became a role model to me for a different reason: openly discussing her struggles with addiction and

Now playing

If I didn’t love Michelle so much, I would have invited him to be my third-term president, anytime. Anytime, Barack.

For some reason that “NO WAY!” is cracking me up. It’s like something from a Midol commercial: “Sure, tests can get me down. But my period- NO WAY!”

Get right on out of here with your ‘reasonable opinion’! People should be allowed to say whatever they want without being yelled at, as long as the things people are saying aren’t things I disagree with personally!

If you’re coming for me, I really feel you should let your girlfriend know first.
She’s having your baby, man. That’s not cool.

Everything he says is true. But it’s still not an ok thing to say you wish for “white genocide.” He trolled, and he got exactly the reaction he wanted.