
Demanding the British spelling on an American website? Sure you’re not English? And there are some glass houses created in your original post; on both sides of the pond, it’s piece, not peace. Do get it right.

Handy image format since links don’t work.

Actually, she didn’t have anything to do with empire, that was good old queen Victoria. Elizabeth saw a lot of such structures dismantled in her lifetime, and that’s a good thing.

So she didn’t actually do anything. Glad we agree on that.

worked as long and as hard as the queen

Yes to all this. My strongly royalist husband keeps trying to explain to me how the royals “don’t have a choice” about all this. But they absolutely have a choice, all of them. No one’s forcing them to stay in this nonsense world and keep quiet about their political opinions; to leave it and be free to speak out, they

As a Nigerian I say I hope she went painfully and if there is a hell. she'll be in with Reagan and the rest of her ilk

She is a walking, waving and (occasionally) talking advertisement for Imperialism and conservative politics and I blame her (and every “southern belle” in the USA) for providing a “good,” white, female face to mask the hideous slaughter and injustice carried out in her name.

You’re treating her as if she was an ignorant child. Every single Royal can, at any moment in time, abdicate. Unlike the victims of colonialism she wasn’t oppressed. She enjoyed great wealth and privilege as a result of her position. Something she could have renounced at any time. Instead, she continued to enjoy her

I'll celebrate her death on principle. Down with monarchs. And death to monarchys.

You aren’t a feminist.  You are a creep who defends some rich asshole who protected her pedophile rapist family member.  

Women die every day. 

Yes, when we’ve all “worked as long and hard” as someone born into wealth, privilege, and power they’ve never had to earn, maybe then you’ll allow them to opine on colonialism and oppression.  How kind!

Thankfully, the pedigree and procurement of the artifacts were carefully annotated by British historians and the British museum. The former colonies have sovereign governments now. The UK knows where to find them. I am sure they would be pleased to be the caretakers of their own shit.

They are beloved in the WHITE Commonwealth, and even then really only Canada now.

RIP. But it is time this outdated, feudal system died with her. Return all the land, gems, artifacts etc to their rightful origin.

Man fuck the queen. She had 70 years to fix alot of the wrongs of her empire and squandered it.

The English monarchy is headed for an orderly dissolution. Nothing can stop it. Should have happened roughly 40 years ago. It was only the sentimentality engendered by Liz’s connection to England’s glorious imperial past that delayed the dissolution.

They should scrap all the rest of them while they’re at it.

Yeah, in practice that doesn’t happen.