
First, I’m calling bullshit on his fathers death story.


Until there are no bad cops, fuck the police.

As an American, love it.

Everybody got a shot at making it? No. More like, every white person has a chance, here’s free money and land. The rest of you who built this country, fuck off.

White inferiority at its finest.

This. These are the most non-American people in this country and we have to do something about it. Meaning getting rid of them in some way or another.

Fuck all of those stickers, and the assholes who have them.

Not inclusive of blindly “patriotic” assholes who think “cops lives matter” and have no right to yell go “back to your country” at people when they’re also immigrants, no. Fuck every single last one of them, I hope they burn in hell.

All the assholes with that exact sticker on their truck who think they’re such badasses are just huge fucking douche bags. It’s the new douche bag identifier.

Can’t please everyone.

God damn! Those gladiators are super ugly and overpriced

Only because this is one of my favorite memes ever you get a star.

Only tax white people from now on.

Sounds about white.

Same. That’s what, 2019 “this administration” me, is thinking as well.

What she meant to say was, “We know that white men did not build this country. In fact, we know that black Americans built it, and for free.

Let’s deport these pieces of shit to the bottom of the ocean.

Until there are no bad cops, FUCK THE POLICE.

No more white man.