
In other news Alexis Bledel was like 30 in that photo. She has never aged. Git it Rory Gilmore!

It's just so bad. LOL. Like... they just failed at everything they set out to do with this thing. Are they secretly trying to get more women to vote Democratic?

Woah, Jesus doesn't want to see your shoulders.... Whore.

Backpedal Skill Lvl > 9000

Hi MarcusTruth,

Since the world seems to be turning a corner when it comes to the whole "hey, being good at sports probably shouldn't excuse you from having to be a decent person" thing, I wonder what team will be the first to take proper action and stick to it rather than being forced to by public opinion.

The NFL as a whole is going to reverse the Earth Superman-style if they keep up this record amount of backpedaling.

My heart hurts for the kid in the passenger seat. Every word, every syllable, every gesture, all the screaming ... it's all getting absorbed, all getting internalized. Not to justify in ANY way what she did, but when I have the kids in the car and someone does something really dangerous, yeah, I get mad. You put my

The kid in the passenger seat gave it that extra touch of redneck sadness.

Sorry for that little boy..

Quite a role model for her kid.

He wrote that the day after. The estimates of dead and missing were all over the place at that point.

this is giving me some weird mix of pride, awe, sadness, and rage. amazing stuff.


"On one night, an entire nation went to bed, unaware that the next morning, their world would be changed forever."

I've got "The NFL hires Louis Freech to conduct a thorough investigation and issue a report two weeks after the Super Bowl."

Wait a second — I get it now.

With any luck.

"Oh, THAT tape? We thought it was from the Pats, so we burned it."