Eddy Nuñez

If you’re not in a feud with a 17-year old, you’re doing social media wrong.

Siggi’s is the best!

..........if this is the Icelandic yogourt, yes......several times...........it has an extremely unqiue taste and texture............like if they made a goat cheese icecream.........I still buy it when I see it...........my jaded youghurt tongue needed something new........

Siggi is my #1 yogurt, both for its unsweetened full-fat and 0 fat varieties. I buy both and enjoy either, depending on which macros need to be filled on on a given day.

Have you tried Siggis? It is truly the queen of deliciously thick yogurts (I’m not a runny yogurt person either).

Mo’Nique, get off the gram and call up Jessica Cee.

If you want to forgive him, whatever- I do think people saying Youtube should ban and or entirely demonetize him are ridiculous and sound like old men yelling at clouds. That just doesn’t make sense for the platform- but let’s not call a 22 year-old man a “kid” please.

The Joke=====

You 0.o

“Oh hello, nothing out of the ordinary here fellow neighbor.“

Oh, honey.

Both sons are a huge disappointment to their father, Ru.

Ah, I was hoping there’d be a quick question about Neon Demon, though it’s a pretty forgettable thing in an increasingly indulgent/marginal series of films from Refn. I liked all his work up to Drive, though Bronson is kinda overrated, but since getting acclaim/funding, it seems less and less substantive. Neon Demon

No, thanks, I’ll sick to paint chips.

I’m glad to hear she enjoyed working on Sucker Punch, because I’m still sorry that movie got cut to pieces, and bombed in the theaters. You can really see how all the women are working hard on screen, and the director’s cut offers a little more context to the zaniness, even though it’s a really silly story overall.

Stranger things have happened.

This movie featuring magic needs more realism tbh

That’s stupid. Gollum HAS to be in Black Panther because the One Ring was made from vibranium.

Good. When does Melania leave?