
And whether that’s us sharing, again, the experiences that we have with other partners, if we can help them on their own journey or on the things that happen in our own teams.”
What did I just read? Is this written by a CEO or some dude who will align my chakras with a crystal?

Let me just translate this from corporate speak to English:

I don’t know if I’d consider it so much a virtue as opposed to the bare minimum of moral responsibility.

Now, if I were a betting man, I’d say anyone who really wanted to take a shot at Microsoft should probably be going to talking to any female coworker or employee Spencer has ever been in a room with, because this just REAKS of defensiveness.

Am I the only one to admit I clicked for the pic?

THIS is the picture you chose for this article?

Coach Gruden, please STFU. The tide has shifted. 

Because you ‘believe’ that not wearing a mask is good. It’s not.

This article fails to mention the primary utility of cloth masks - they protect OTHER people from YOU by limiting the spread of airborne particles when you cough or sneeze. If you’ve got a better-quality mask, by all means use it, but putting this article under a headline of “Stop Wearing Cloth Masks” is dangerously

Can we just please be done with mask mandates?

I suspect the character of Jimmy Pesto would be of a similar political bent.

Did this guy fuck up and deserve to go to jail? Certainly.

Couldn’t agree more with Bardem on the casting controversy.  Glad he said that.

To me it isn’t as much that he’s blaming his marriage and kids as he is saying he was depressed and unhappy and using alcohol as a way to avoid making difficult decisions regarding his marriage. He was depressed and self-medicated with alcohol which is not terribly uncommon. I know it’s popular to dog on Affleck but I

I mean, both of these things are true. Britney has (and should always have had) the freedom to be trashy. But let’s not mince words, this is trashy. 

I don’t think what she’s doing is particularly healthy though I understand the impulse. I think she may have shed the conservatorship but I don’t think she’s necessarily surrounded herself with the right people either. This is someone who was never allowed to mature like a normal adult, who never learned basic life

All I wanted was a Pepsi!!!

The stop strip isn’t the easy answer a lot of people think it is. It actually takes a lot of training and a fair degree of skill to use safely, and too many PDs don’t do the training (or the officers forget it as soon as they leave). We need a full root and branch overhaul of policing in America. It needs to be made a

... oh, THAT’S what I sound like when I try to explain ephebophilia from a good-faith standpoint! Yup, locked in, NEVER doing that again.

As a former journalist I can appreciate this. There’s got to be a bit of proper vetting because this is the kind of news that can become a real legal headache if proven untrue down the line. Better to be right than to be up first.