
Mr.Beast comes out of the Fosters Freeze down the road. I tried it once, and it was pretty gross. 

landscape with his anachronistic smartphone

Is there not a “special controls” area in the menu for your reference? I’ve only just started (like no more than 30 min in) so the only thing I see in there is how to set pins on the map.

Bring back NFl Blitz.

When that “channels” content is available through streaming, very much so.

I am always disappointed when I get a choco-taco. I want them to be good. But the shell is too mushy, almost stale tasting every time. Add to that they never seem frozen enough and just poop out the back when taking a bite.

Search for Grubhub+ on Amazon, it’ll show up with an “Activate now” link

Search for Grubhub+ on Amazon, it’ll show up with an “Activate now” link

So their argument is negligence. All this says is “we were not paying attention”

I think the point of including Nintendo was more that they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon and they don’t need to be buying studios. It’s not part of their business model, and it’s still working.

Deleted, I misread your original post.

Uh, the rental insurance is only going to cover what the renter purchased. And if he didn’t have comprehensive coverage on his car, his insurance is not going to be much help. This guy may have to actually sue the driver.

Huh, I guess I own this game. It’s one of the many “never been installed” in my Steam library.  It’ll stay that way.

Thirsty Sword Lesbians installed, ‘cause fuck Putin.

To their credit, they do mention that they “hide” these from your library for a reason:

$59 thing to hang it on probably seems like nothing, right

$59 thing to hang it on probably seems like nothing, right

That oddly reminds me of “The Palace Chat” from back in the mid-to-late 90's. I loved that program, especially the SouthPark server. But by the end, I felt it turned into an avatar trading network. Interestingly thepalace.com still exists, but isn’t even https.

Perhaps the clearest indication that future Activision Blizzard games will likely be both exclusive to Xbox and made available on Game Pass is Bethesda’s Starfield. While reportedly never planned as a multiplatform title, there was a misunderstanding during Gamescom 2021 that the highly anticipated sci-fi RPG

He pretty much outright says it:

We know that’s why we were clicking, but did it anyway.

Honest question - do N95's need to be properly fitted? And if so, how effective is a improperly fitted N95 vs a cloth mask? Also, anyone have a good resource for fit testing?