No one ever finishes that “bad apples” saying.
No one ever finishes that “bad apples” saying.
They are comparing a day in 2017 when there were over 12,000 active wallets to today. That day in 2017 was a big day (and big month) for CryptoKitties as they had over 50,000 sales that day. Apart from that day, the daily average is usually around 3,000 active wallets anyway.
Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.
“At that age [19], teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.”
sure they took premium sub money, how else were they supposed to pay for the bandwidth/hosting costs
Look at the screenshot in the article, his website was hosting Switch games. Those are pretty damn current.
There are sites like where people upload collections of ROMs because they want to preserve and share them there. So that blows this whole "but he needed to be able to afford to run the website" argument I keep seeing out of the water.
Not when it’s current content, and not when the person was blatantly profiting off of access to that current content. Preservation is one thing, blatant for-profit piracy is another.
Not only did it not age well, that shit wasn’t funny in the 1970s when it was made and the 1950s when it was supposed to occur.
There was a lot of misinformation on the Tesla fire such that the fire chief had to issue this statement:
Anyone who claims EVs are safer than ICE cars are full of shit and this case is all the evidence one needs.
But saying it 8 times feels unnecessary and 99.99% of articles would just say two silly women doing X stunt in the video.
I am pre-emptively deleting my account by not signing up.
Your comment makes no sense. A lot of sexual predators are hideous nobodies.
“all white male feminists are lying sacks of shit...” That seems a bit much donchathink?
Lecturing someone about how they feel about the potential complicated public fallout of that revelation is not the good look you think it is.
All of this because he lives in a country where the cost of healthcare would kill him otherwise. This is all great and warm and fuzzy, but let’s not forget that this would not be necessary in a country with a working healthcare system for its citizens.
“nobody actually wanted small sedans and hatchbacks”
Honda, Hyundai/Kia, and Toyota would beg to differ.
I dare you to listen to Billie sing acapella and then Rihanna without autotune and tell us who you think is better. Perfectly fine not to like her music, but Billie is wildly talented.
Wow.You almost made it.