
I have a 2017 Nissan Leaf (30kwh), that I think will make a great first car for a teenager once I am ready to move on. If it’s battery holds up (it’s low milage, so there’s a possibility) you get a low maintenance car with a limited range. Keeps the kiddo from getting too far away. Perfect for kicking around town and

Doesn’t even need to be modular. It could be as simple as a standard CAD template used in the design.

Have they not added a damn standard tournament mode? The game is fun and has good mechanics, but is lacking in play modes. I want to just play all the courses with all their holes as a season. They could even do the cups like Mario Kart for the different play modes (speed, XC, regular).

I’m not vegetarian/vegan, but I am starting to try and not use honey when there is a good alternative (agave is my current go to). While bees are great and all, our use of non-native pollinators is actually bad. Most ecosystems have their own, natural pollinators, and bringing in outside pollinators can out compete

For the most part, “Karens” are defined as racist white women who weaponize the police against Black people

we’re collectively told over and over by people in power that what we witness and experience is bullshit and the bullshit they serve us back is what’s actually true

There was an interesting discussion going on over at Ars on one of these articles about who is part of the “gamer” culture or a True Gamer(tm). There were some arguing that since they aren’t assholes or play multi-player, they aren’t (or don’t identify as) “gamers” and it’s not really their problem.

Ahh yes “we did it this way, so it’s the best!”. You know, we could make working lower paying jobs not a complete shitshow. You can learn good skills and a work ethic without being treated and paid like shit.

I always like it described as “Fuck you, I got mine”

If I could get away with not showering daily I certainly would (and the mega drought would appreciate it). But I’m a stinky dude, so I really do need to shower with proper soap daily. My pits, crotch and feet get gross fast. I also have hyperhidrosis, so that leads to swamp-ass and stank feet. That said, the shower is

her contract promised “an exclusive theatrical release”

It’s funny, I read the Politico report earlier this morning.  I clicked on the headline for this thinking “wait, didn’t I already read this?”.  Turns out, yeah, pretty much.

Lawn darts checking in.

Growing up in Orange County - one gal got a new very new nice BMW for her 16th. But it wasn’t an M5, so she intentionally crashed it. They proceeded to buy her some other ridiculously expensive car.  

An unbiased news platform

While I generally agree with you, the one slight difference here is the State of California bringing a suit does seem like it’s more serious. I could be way off, but it sounds like the state is going to continually go after them until they see actual change.

Car chase and a KCAL9 logo.  That brings me back to growing up in Southern CA.

why Blizzard hasn’t immediately mobilized

Everyone knows what an Ubisoft game is supposed to be and the design simply isn’t there yet

Buyer beware - I have not had a good experience with this stuff (same brand). After a couple uses it decided it would rather stick to my keys vs take stuff off.  That required a full blown keycap removal to get it all off.  

Buyer beware - I have not had a good experience with this stuff (same brand). After a couple uses it decided it