
Dying in Dragon Quest meant your character lost half his gold and was taken back to King Lorick

I actually thought the comment you were replying to meant cache - referring to the stockpile of Woody’s films, to be put on their streaming service.

Lookka Ice Cube Trays with Lids - The silicon base make it reaslly easy to pop out cubes, and the lids keep the ice nice and fresh while allowing you to stack multiple trays.

Lookka Ice Cube Trays with Lids - The silicon base make it reaslly easy to pop out cubes, and the lids keep the ice

Or replace “black man” with something like “blonde guy” or “blue eyes”

a power grab that’s smelling more and more like exactly what it is

Yep, there are many ways to spoof a MAC address.  Or just spin up a VM. 

I don’t see why you couldn’t set a channel to logged in accounts only.

Reminds of something my older brother said while teaching me to drive my shitty ‘93 s-10 5-speed

I now think New York is a dark horse contender

I think that’s it

Re: Double knotting.

had 47 million daily active users

When I bought a Nissan Leaf, the sales guy told me I needed to get my car serviced annually, and part of that was for brake service. But not the normal “check wear”, but “check for corrosion”.

On your item #5 - My tip - don’t cheap out on LED’s. I swapped out a bunch of halogen MR16 GU10 track lighting bulbs with LED’s. More than half were dead within a year. But I bought no-name cheapos off of Amazon.

Hahhahahahahhaaaa, I work for the government and make a shit-ton less than I would if I worked in the private sector (having moved from the private sector a few tears ago). The big difference is I get some semblance of a work-life balance.

But some are seizing on the shortage of park staffers to off-road illegally and otherwise damage the park, as well as relieving themselves in the open, a park statement said. Joshua Tree said it would begin closing some campgrounds for all but day use

This makes my purchase of the stand-alone joycon charger seem like a good call.  

Nintendo kicked off the year with something that has become commonplace on Switch: Wii U ports

The only REAL Robin Hood movies are Men in Tights and the 1973 Disney Cartoon.

I have a USB 10-key that I picked up when I bought a keyboard without one. While it works, I’ll say it’s not perfect. The 10-key would move just enough to throw me off*. Not enough to really make a difference, but I did notice when I went back to a full 10-key keyboard.