
Because they made a lot of embarrassing crap, even in the earliest days.

One of the only SNL properties that makes me start giggling just thinking about it.

Steven Spielberg? 

But the thing is, it was King's arc (artistically, and as it turns out, personally).

Thats the Disney way. I recall the overenthusiastic millenials and GenZ paid participants screaming and cheering in that recent Mickey Mouse anniversary special. Ugh. (49 year old grump out)

The fact that I saw nil promotions for this is evidence that this was a halfhearted production. I am still scratching my head as to why they even bothered, with the feature film reboot already coming down the pipe. They could have done so many other more interesting properties on stage.

Ssomebody seems to be obsessed with something...

I dont if Malik’s mom was necessarily questioning Deja’s background, but she did make a faux pas in not showing Beth and Randall some credit for taking on Deja. Beth took it an uncivilized step further with the ‘raising your baby’s baby.” line.

Autocorrect and predictive texts suck.

President Warren eh? I sincerely admire your optimism.

I dont mind Baldwin Trump as much Perkins does, but I wish they would write something that took a more intellectual bite rather than easy jokes and Friends Of Lorne half-assed cameos.

The majority of the ep seemed to be a millenial party, tailored to Stewart and her fans. I had a few giggles. The underlying point that Conan the dog is getting more celebratory press than the actual Special Ops corps was not lost to me. That cold open was a real winner and I wish they could make sketches looking at

He was also excellent in George Romero’s Knight Riders.

The edited tv version has extra footage for some reason, with Bart doing more Bugs Bunnyish attacks on Mongo.

Ssounds like this movie suffers from the same problems IT Chapter 2 has...trying to balance that fineline of fan service and the general horror movie going public 

Ineed, I read the book twice and my eyeballs  grew wide when the review mentioned it. It's not a big plot point at all.

Patton Oswalt (although my dreamcast for the Trump movie would have him play Bill Barr).

Bannon is like Giuliani, in that he will gladly shoot his mouth off to anyone who will listen. He provides a good chunk of the ‘talking head’ narrative of Michael Wolf’s two trashy Trump books.

1. Adam Carolla could play Al Franken. Lorne Michaels should take note.

And Weird Al sighs.