
Exactly, she’s not a doctor, she just went through a trauma, she has two small kids to keep up with, and Kanye’s behavior has been an up and down roller coaster for years, with all his past issues just being attributed to his “genius”. This isn’t something that you can blame anyone for, really.

I feel like this item is designed to make his breakdown somehow her fault. Like, don’t forget, ladies, his illness is your responsibility and anything it does to him or anyone else is your fault!

“But we kept the trannies out of the ladies bathroom!”

You mean those evil racists are also lying power hungry hypocrites that don’t use their office to serve the people but to enrich themselves and amass power?

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

That won’t happen here. Too many meth heads are white. And cops already shoot unarmed black people.

Not to come in and promote another publication, but AJ+ did a really chilling short documentary about the vigilantes that go out and do killings. A lot of the people being killed are meth users shot in cold blood on the street. The killers are getting paid an average of $300 a kill, and they were quite confident the

I’m pretty sure nobody with any brains is implying Russia “rigged” the election as that would mean physically changing ballots, destroying ballots, or creating false ballots. What people are saying is that their hack actively influenced the election.

Poor Tiffany, even when she is standing right in front of her dad he will do everything he can to ignore her...

Progressives HAVE been vocal about the Obama deportation policy. But he’s also done a lot of good in the immigration arena, from DACA to the STEM OPT expansion to the enforcement priorities memos for ICE. So we can demonize him for the deportations alone, or we can admit that (like many other issues) it’s fucking

Spoken like someone who has never feared for their life.

I don’t fucking know. She was an impressive actress in the beginning, but now I feel like she gives the same type of performance over and over. Not to mention, her cluelessness is insufferable at this point.

I honestly enjoyed her self-deprecating humor for a long time, and I loved her in Winter’s Bone. I think she/her publicists got high on their own supply and started seeing “relatable quirky” as her brand, and thus forced it. Until this point (unless I missed something), it had just been annoying and overbearing (like

YEP. Not only can I not imagine doing what she did in Hawaii, I can’t imagine bragging about it and expecting everyone to find it adorable. If I nearly killed someone you can be sure as hell I wouldn’t tell anyone about it, ever.

“I was trying to do my trademark adorable clumsiness but you ruined it by being too sensitive about some stupid rocks. Stfu and go back to wanting to be my bff!”

Man, not to do the Jezebel-hates-Jennifer-Lawrence thing, but that was one of the worst among bad, insincere, I-haven’t-learned-anything celebrity apologies.

Bobby how sober are you now????

I’ll be watching from Alberta. This is some Hollywood blockbuster bullshit.... where’s Will Smith to save the world from your domestic threat?

(Pedantic hat on) TECHNICALLY this is the first Spiderman in the Marvel franchise. The others were Sony’s. So every Spiderman in the Marvel franchise has been the exact same age.

For every new spidered-man that is born, there is a wolverine that will never die. It is known.