
Uhmmm I think the idea of bracelets that synchronize with music sounds like an AWESOME idea, even without them saving lives. I want one.

This is my list! I also would like to add:

Requirements for my undergarments:

For all my Orphan Black fans:

i think that question in itself is a dead end and a huge distraction from abortion rights, subsidized daycare, racism in criminal justice and maternity leave

“To be honest, men are into girls in T-shirts and white underwear.”

I think this is a conversation that is not for you, and in which you have no stake.

And if seducing a man isn’t the goal, it can be a welcome side effect.

Granny Panties.

And yet, “severance tacos” stuck with me from the first time you posted this. Go figure.

Yes, I have no desire to watch her unctuous preaching roll through any more shows.

She’s just as nuts as her brother, but not as vocal about it. Something about women being in their place and all.

This raises the obvious question: which Jezebel writer has “Kangaroo” set as a google alert?

I thought I heard that they had to use both of them because they could only use either of them for so much time in a day because of *ahem* child labor laws pertaining to entertainment.

Thank you for filing this to “Giant Kangaroo”.

How many Hemsworth brothers are there, anyway?

Sup, Booga?

Sadly it’s not even close for me. I once did a postpartum home visit to find that the infant had died several days before but the mother was still bathing and dressing the little body and frantic because “She just won’t eat.” I suspect this will turn out to be something similar. Grief can do some powerfully tragic

Rest assured, the L&O:SVU writers are already on the final draft of the script after three rounds of Tragedy MadLibs.

This is the creepiest fucking thing I’ve ever read.