I’m very intrigued by this tea you speak of. Would you be so kind as to share the recipe?
I’m very intrigued by this tea you speak of. Would you be so kind as to share the recipe?
Well, on a positive note, us tree hugger in California managed to get single use plastic bags banned. And a central CA county banned franking. There are still a lot of us who haven’t, and won’t, give up.
I know toonami is where they air all the anime programs, but I think that’s gotten smashed down to one night a week from like 2-5 am. Wasn’t adult swim where they used to play Boondocks and samurai Jack? I feel like I remember those being really good shows. Mind you I haven’t watched adult swim in like 8 years, so I…
And before your ancestors, the native Americans. This country was founded by genocide and slavery
I was SHOCKED when I read 80% of registered voters in my county participated. Mind you that’s REGISTERED, not eligible, voters. But it still is a high number and it makes me hope that going forward even more people will participate.
Please, he would just threaten to sue anyone who writes mean tweets about him
My mom and I ordered our Nasty Woman shirts (proceeds benefit Planned Parenthood), we’ve got our safety pins, gonna make some ‘Not my president’ signs. Can’t make it to DC, but we’ll find a local march, we’re ready to protest some bullshit
I’ve always been an epic shitter, can’t tell you how many times I’ve pooped so hard I had to either flush multiple times or find a plunger. There are few things that leave you feeling as good as leaving a massive dump.
There’s nothing like getting paid to poop
I’m one of those people who always looks at my poop. And I poo like 3 times a day, its awesome.
Mine still has another 2 years, what do I do then!? I doubt Planned Parenthood will still be giving them out for free at that point. I love my IUD, I’m not ready to give it up
Yes, this has shown just how hateful this country still is. And that’s more terrifying than anything
I’m somewhere between angry and terrified. Which sucks because I know angry scared rural white men are what caused this. I don’t want to be like the angry white men
I called out of my crappy part time today, something I can’t actually afford to do, but I knew I’d be useless today. I’m still in my pajamas, I’ve been on indeed all morning sending out applications because I’m terrified the economy is going to tank again in January and I didn’t go back to school to FINALLY FINISH and…
Third party voters need to feel all the fucking shame possible, they did this! And the “I’m just not going to put anyone or president, I’ll just vote down ballot.” FUCK ALL Y’ALL!!! I HOPE YOU’RE READY FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS!!!
The upsidedown
If people are in line at the cut off time, they are allowed to vote still. So even if they have to wait 2 hours, as long as they we’re in line, they get to vote.
My mom and I went over everything on Sunday. Where I live in California we had over 30 items on our ballot. It took almost 3 hours, that goodness for the local website that broke all the city and county items down into easy to read terms! It’s not partisan, just tells you the facts, who put it on the ballot, and who…
I’m jealous that something you’ve had for 17 years still fits. I can fit into shorts I bought 7 months ago lol!
Just pretend your scrubs are a medical pant suit!