Librarians are so cool
I’m thinking of being a suffragette for Halloween next year, wanted to do it this year, but just ran out of time to make the costume
I imagine it sucks as much as being a retail worker on black Friday. I’m so glad I got put of retail before another holiday season
I got yelled at for that once when I was dropping off my ballot (I’m a permanent mail ballot voter). I had a sticker on and the guy didn’t want to let me in the door, finally one of the ladies told me to just put my hand over the sticker and I could hand in my ballot. Was annoying at the time, but I get why those…
I don’t have a nut to give, but I would totally give a boob
Ya know, I start to feel bad for her that she’s basically shunned by her father, then I remember she’s a Trump and has totally drank the kool-aid. Oh and her dad is all “meh” about her coz he doesn’t want to fuck her (I’d say she lucked out there).
Agreed. I bike to work and will play while riding. Great way to hatch eggs! Plus there are a lot of pokestops on my route.
South Carolina, I think they give you one the day your born
OMC, my closest friend in middle school and I decided to write a movie script! I totally forgot about it until your comment. I think it was about teenagers going to school on a space ship or something lol. My parents had just gotten our first computer and my friend and I decided the best use was to be the biggest…
After getting into college and being denied grants I went on this anti affirmative action tirade. I was pissed about having to take out all those loans and decided I didn’t get grants because I was white and it was SO UNFAIR!!! God I hate my high school self.
When I was about 4 apparently I scolded my family for “being mean to Mr Bush (Sr).” I guess they were watching a debate or something. I reassure myself by assuming since I was in preschool I was bringing home some sort of kindness lesson lol
As someone things HEAVILY involved with an environmental org, and has been for a long time, I hear ya. Not only do people say really stupid shit (“if plastic bags are banned how do I pick up my dog shit? Am I supposed to just leave it there?” Bio-bags, dude.), but I’m guilty of ignoring the Green Peace people WHO HANG…
Is there and official ‘Raging Feminist Socialist Athiest’ club, coz I would totally join. And does it have cool T-shirts and buttons???
As someone who grew up in Florida and Southern California I cannot fathom life without shorts. That’s pretty much all I own, that and sun dresses. Seriously, I only own one pair of jeans. So thank you, for standing up for the right of people wear shorts whenever they want!!
Every time I see these in the checkout line at target I just think “what a fucking waste of plastic.” So much single use landfill crap
Same. My mom’s mantra was “keep her too busy to get into trouble.” 3 sports, AP classes, job, girl scouts, volunteer work. I was fucking exhausted as a teenager lol
I live in a beach community and someone opened a coffee stand where the employees all wore bikinis. It was right across the street from a HS, you wouldn’t believe the pearl clutching and “THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!” Was it tacky? Yes. But it wasn’t hurting anybody. And like a said, beach town, not like swimwear is…