
I’m a mail ballot voter and I dropped mine at the designated site at the library yesterday. They only had Spanish stickers left so I proudly wore my “Yo voté” sticker all day! I also renewed my library card while was there

Librarians are so cool

I’m thinking of being a suffragette for Halloween next year, wanted to do it this year, but just ran out of time to make the costume

I imagine it sucks as much as being a retail worker on black Friday. I’m so glad I got put of retail before another holiday season

I got yelled at for that once when I was dropping off my ballot (I’m a permanent mail ballot voter). I had a sticker on and the guy didn’t want to let me in the door, finally one of the ladies told me to just put my hand over the sticker and I could hand in my ballot. Was annoying at the time, but I get why those

I don’t have a nut to give, but I would totally give a boob

Ya know, I start to feel bad for her that she’s basically shunned by her father, then I remember she’s a Trump and has totally drank the kool-aid. Oh and her dad is all “meh” about her coz he doesn’t want to fuck her (I’d say she lucked out there).

Agreed. I bike to work and will play while riding. Great way to hatch eggs! Plus there are a lot of pokestops on my route.

South Carolina, I think they give you one the day your born

OMC, my closest friend in middle school and I decided to write a movie script! I totally forgot about it until your comment. I think it was about teenagers going to school on a space ship or something lol. My parents had just gotten our first computer and my friend and I decided the best use was to be the biggest

After getting into college and being denied grants I went on this anti affirmative action tirade. I was pissed about having to take out all those loans and decided I didn’t get grants because I was white and it was SO UNFAIR!!! God I hate my high school self.

Hold up, she’s pregnant with is kid and he won’t drive 15 fucking minutes for a milkshake and burger????

When I was about 4 apparently I scolded my family for “being mean to Mr Bush (Sr).” I guess they were watching a debate or something. I reassure myself by assuming since I was in preschool I was bringing home some sort of kindness lesson lol

As someone things HEAVILY involved with an environmental org, and has been for a long time, I hear ya. Not only do people say really stupid shit (“if plastic bags are banned how do I pick up my dog shit? Am I supposed to just leave it there?” Bio-bags, dude.), but I’m guilty of ignoring the Green Peace people WHO HANG

Is there and official ‘Raging Feminist Socialist Athiest’ club, coz I would totally join. And does it have cool T-shirts and buttons???

Dude, Mrs. Short for teacher of the year! That’s awesome she let you keep doing that, so many teachers would be all “no banned books!” And let be real, banned books are always the best!

As someone who grew up in Florida and Southern California I cannot fathom life without shorts. That’s pretty much all I own, that and sun dresses. Seriously, I only own one pair of jeans. So thank you, for standing up for the right of people wear shorts whenever they want!!

Every time I see these in the checkout line at target I just think “what a fucking waste of plastic.” So much single use landfill crap

Same. My mom’s mantra was “keep her too busy to get into trouble.” 3 sports, AP classes, job, girl scouts, volunteer work. I was fucking exhausted as a teenager lol

I live in a beach community and someone opened a coffee stand where the employees all wore bikinis. It was right across the street from a HS, you wouldn’t believe the pearl clutching and “THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!” Was it tacky? Yes. But it wasn’t hurting anybody. And like a said, beach town, not like swimwear is