
As awesome as that sounds, it’s technically illegal. I worked at Starbucks the year they gave everyone a small cup of (shitty) coffee if they voted and they actually got hit with some pretty big fines.

I want pictures of Hillary eating from the Taco truck Wall. Please flying spaghetti monster, let it happen! Delicious taco shade!

“In the wild” haha! I just get this image of a taco truck neighing and standing on its back tires like a horse lol!

A few years back I was at a bar with some friends and I guy put his hand up my skirt. I grabbed his hand and slammed it back on the bar and told him “if you touch me again I will break every one of your fingers.” His girlfriend leans over and starts yelling at me instead of her boyfriend who likes to grope other women

Ha! I love it!

Uugh, seriously. Children are so creepy

When my girl cat I had growing up died I swear she visited a few times. She was a fabulous bitchy cat and I had her for 17 years; she lived a long a spoiled life.

I feel like this is a good stopping place for the night. Ghost cat I can handle and still go to sleep. Stories about creepy as fuck children and “look at me” type stories, not so much.

Because children are just creepy in general

Same, after my great grandmother died. I will always remember every detail of that dream and I NEVER remember my dreams. For years I didn’t even think I dreamed because I’ve never remembered them.

Same. Right before bed, then “oh I think I want a glass of water, now I have to walk past the MIRROR WALL because the house was built in the 60s so of course it has a mirror wall!” Even tho I’ve never gotten a bad feeling in this house, the mirror wall still creeps me out. But it might just be that I hate looking at

You say “childless with cats” like it’s some terrible fate. Sure as shit beats being with someone like you. Troll

That dress she’s wearing, I want it! It’s so pretty and the cut is amazing!

Also as he gets older he becomes more of a cranky grandpa who just doesn’t understand the stuff “these kids today” like, therefore it must be stupid and pointless.

I worked for the County of San Bernardino last December and he spoke at this “County Family Gathering” the Supervisors put together a few weeks later. He was fucking all over the place, that man is losing his memory. He cannot keep a straight thought. One minute he’s talking about how he KNEW who the 9/11 perpetrators

He’s part of that family? Uugh, that explains his “you can’t touch me, just go ahead and try. Do you know who I am!?” face.

Not a smoker, just one of those people that doesn’t always want to go do stuff. I like going to the beach and a good weekend camping trip, but I also like hanging out at home in my pajamas and not having to interact with people all the damn time.

Never once did I ever get a reply from a “match” on bumble. Gave up after a few weeks and went back to the dredges of tinder

I had the WORST okcupid experience. Left me feeling like I needed to take a scalding shower it was so slimy and skeezy. Never again.