
I don’t have tv, not because I think I’m too cool or whatever, but because I’m too poor. I do have a Roku, hulu and Netflix. But I get bummed at thanksgiving every year coz the Macy parade and Charlie Brown special are never on hulu. And since I work retail I haven’t been able to go home the last few years because

You should absolutely read it!!! The movies are good, but the books are awesome; Harry is so fucking sassy, Ginny is actually super rad, AND THE WHOLE REASON FOR WHY VOLDEMORT DID THE FUCKING THING IS ACTUALLY EXPLAINED!!! Not that half assed shit that was half blood Prince movie.

I slept through two years of French in high school, how do you say westboro Baptist in French?

There were a lot of Nguyen’s at my high school. It may be the only Vietnamese name I can (somewhat) correctly pronounce

Funny, I think that's a popular game in florida too

I think that may be one of the sweetest things I've ever read

For real, I never brush my curls anymore. It gets combed when I wash it once a month. And I worship at the alter of no-poo. I swear that was life changing for my hair.

She denies it to this day, but my mom once told me I was “disgustingly out of shape.” We’d moved across the country and we had gone back to visit family. I think she wanted to portray this perfect California life and my chubby self had ruined that. When we lived in fla I was really active and in shape, but I had a

Oh, Flying Spaghetti Monster. I hate motivational quotes in general, but those kind push me over the edge. And you're right, there is definitely a vindiagram crossover of women who watch that show and women who post stupid shit on Facebook lol

I can’t watch that show because Carrie is the most self centered entitled whiney bitch.

They are so fucking adorable!

I want to high-five that judge and buy them an adult beverage for that comment, that's amazing

I still have a lot of CDs, but unfortunately I don’t have any thing to play them on. Truck died in June, CD player on the alarm clock crapped out about a year ago, and CD-ROM on the old laptop went about a month ago.

Right?! Kitchenette and io9. Why even bother if they both go. I’m so upset right now, le sigh

Wait, I’ve been under a rock lately (shits been crazy at work) WHAT ARE ALL THESE RIP’S?! I don’t like this

Wizard powers for all!

Until I was 15 my dad worked as a bartender. This was at a hotel in a small town in Florida and everyone all knew each other. We were at the pool bar at the other hotel, my parents hanging out with their friends and I was swimming with the kids who were staying there.

The illuminati kale! That was great! I literally let out a “HA!” on the bus. But everyone is unbalanced in Berdoo, so I just blended in lol

I used to read these on my lunch break. Now i save them for the bus ride home. I get to be the crazy person laughing for no apparent reason, little do they know...