
We can lay off the rhetoric here. This shouldn’t be painted as an instance of Trump blowing something up (it’s rare, I know, but it happens).

He didn’t “reactivate” the Space Force. It’s existed as Space Command in the Air Force in one capacity or another for decades. He just carved it away from the AF and made it a new branch, which is exactly how the Air Force was created back in 1947 when they separated the Army Air Corps from the Army. Also, Star Trek’s

Now it’s a Porsche Taycan’t.

Amazon is not the problem. The problem is the subsidized ePacket Delivery program from China. China can ship us packages for pennies while US merchants (and even Amazon) have to spend several dollars for the same package.

this is socialism at best and communism at worst.  America was built on a free enterprise system and guaranteeing a basic income goes against that principle.  The vast majority of people work hard and earn what they have.  We do not want to encourage people to not work and guaranteeing an income w/o any guaranteed

Fear is much more motivating than logic though so the fearful will keep hammering the drum that we will not be safe for at least a year. We cheat death every day. Live with it because the only other option is death. 

It’s ok to like some parts of Elon’s brain and not others. I don’t like most of what he tweets, but I can appreciate Tesla cars and Space X. I can also appreciate his frustration that’s shared with a lot of the people in the country right now, including me. I think the shutdown was warranted at first, but we need to

<flame suit on>

GIzmodo fails once again............... “sources in Google”. lol

So much mis-information in this article. First of all, “rolling coal” isn’t why they got in trouble.   This isn’t a thing the vast majority of diesel owners do. This is just a silly thing a small niche of people do because they are obnoxious. It’s the same thing as that 19 year old kid up the road form you who drives

^^So much this^^ Discovery Networks, which includes TLC, The Science Channel, etc., *used* to be an amazingly wonderful altruistic organization, dedicated to educating and expanding the knowledge, hearts, and minds of many. However, apparently that’s a bad thing for some, so it was turned into the very antithesis of

Holy crap - EPA mileage was upgraded from 280 to 315 miles for the AWD version. That’s huge. Excited to be able to afford something like this in 5ish years.

Eh calling bullshit on the rationale. Palladium companies are realizing the demand around the rest of the world will begin to drop substantially once more EVs make it to market. Then no need for any palladium any more. Maybe it's a modern buggy whip problem.

Well at least they owned up to it. Russians been lying for 6 years nowabout the same mistake.

And in this case the court was right. There was nothing unfair or deceptive about forgetting to tighten the lug nuts, what was just negligence. In this case the mechanic *did* actually rotate the tires, he just did a shitty job at it.

“Most left-leaning people (which is to say, most Americans” : ignorant and self-serving quote.

Wow, you really are obsessed with this guy, this is a way too long article for such a small history. I know it’s dumb but marketing is a big part of politics and it gets the same treatment as a model or a soda brand, it’s a product and they have to sell it. There’s no big alterations here and if you’re already in

Hey Bradley,

If only NYC had something in their history that would point to what will happen when they create an artificial shortage.

1st Gear: Nobody Wants The Auto Tariffs