
Well, small businesses - even sole proprietorships (1 man at home and private contractors) - are getting a 20% tax cut. That’s not $500 a year and these are not wealthy people. When you’re paying 35% in taxes, dropping that to 28% is a lot of extra money in the pockets of normal middle class (and upper lower class)

You do realize you can pay more than you legally owe, right? Toss an extra few grand into the fire if that’s your thing.

Are the stolen Teslas now called Edisons?

Well they broke the law by coming into this country illegally, don’t you know?

Is it not a crime to enter the country illegally?

Screw France

This is a Jalopnik Classic post we are re-running in honor of Jalopnik's 20th Anniversary

Maserati loves company.

Whatever it is I’m sure the fuel companies hate it.

Do you really have to ask?

The environmental warrior crowd. Smug asshats.

This is how socialism finds work for everyone.

Operators of motor vehicles also have a responsibility to know how to control them.

She has my sincere sympathy!

She should sue herself for being a fucktard.

How about you link to some of these studies you’re citing? Not to suggest a Giz Media writer would cherry-pick or spin something, but...

Better than all the anti-Trump propaganda opinion pieces being cross-posted to the car section of the site.

Yes. People who claim America is “intolerant” need to take a trip around the world. Excluding small nations comprised primarily of native residents or the same race, such as Sweden, the USA is the highest standard in equality and decency.

What’s funny is that the Range Rovers of the time were just as horrible on gas and yet they didn’t get nearly as much criticism as the H2 did. My 2004 Range Rover averaged about 12-13mpg, no matter how gently I drove it. And that’s with a freshly rebuilt engine, a good transmission, new filters, new spark plugs, and