Add illegal immigration
Add illegal immigration
I’d love to know how many Tesla worker complaints are real and how many are stirred up shit created by UAW sympathizers and those pushing a unionized environment by any means possible.
It was one of those scorching-hot May afternoons when the air conditioning might as well just give up, where a…
Hey Elon,
Right, because veterans and widows have never ever been at a SOTU address before.
Nice to see you don’t let your own political views influence your writing.
That article was pretty baseless.
With a stick.
Meh. Let us know when you find a brown diesel tug.
No - it’s about Trump and NAFTA, a COMPLETELY political topic, with a thin tie-in to automobile sales that may be affected (did you READ the article?) A very informative article too. But that’s not the point.
When the hell did Jalopnik become a political site? Every other “article” about politics. While this one is at least related to the auto industry - most of the bullshit spread out here makes it worth skipping the entire site . I come here to read/comment on CARS, not politics.....
Mallards never duck a fight.
The sooner they get the ball rolling, the better.
pictured: chemtrails.
Just think, only 4 more years of finding ways to insert Trump into non political posts!
You could barely slide a piece of paper between the BMW and Toyota. Talk about a close shave.
Murica: Honda why u no give us civic hatchback?????
The massive us-spec bumpers have saved my w115 from innumerable impacts over the last 40 years.
They should change the name to the 911 turbo Turbo. I’d buy it and park it next to the Ferrari LaFerrari.
Last week, we learned of the tragic death of Joshua Brown, who died in a crash involving a truck crossing a divided…