
Normally hippies are just annoying. These two have my support.

Perhaps you’re unaware that LR specifically designed the Evoque to appeal to female drivers. That’s why they contracted with Victoria Beckham to help design and market it. It doesn’t mean you can’t drive it and maintain your manhood, if that’s what’s got your panties in a bunch. But even LR will tell you the car was

Can I just point out that Evoques are for girls. That should be made clear. It’s no less a chick car than a New Beetle with a daisy in the dash.

I'm waiting for the story from Tavarish on how we'd be stupid not to buy this.

This BMW is destined to be repaired and sold by a gypsy with a thick eastern european accent. The ad will contain terrible grammar while utilizeing clichés like “minor damage” or my favorite.....“you don’t drive title you drive car”.

I love the fantasy world that the ‘stealth is obsolete’ crowd lives in, where China and Russia have developed all kinds of fantastical radars and drones and other cutting-edge technology to defeat stealth aircraft. All of which are seemingly completely unknown to the people who actually build our aircraft and radar

10 bucks says checking the server logs would show OP’s ip is out of Russia.

Jay Leno. Obvious answer is obvious.

Why is this on Jalopnik now?

I believe it is an artisanal, fair-trade Pirelli branded Stetson, if that helps.

Haha nope. The U.S get's most of its oil from Canada and Latin Countries.
