
Is it a surprise that the Union that does it’s business building and repairing roads gave US roads a D? It’s like asking the fox to rate the security at the henhouse. I agree the roads suck depending on where you live but let’s be honest about the source of the doomsday report.

Interstellar was an imaginary story. This was an actual event that occurred to actual people, an important chapter in one of the most significant events in the history of the world. it shaped the world you live in now whether you realize it or not. Does that give it enough conceptual angle for you?

foxtrotalpha is the Hanoi Hannah of our generation. Most of the writers here will have to google that.

Blaming banks or dealers for subprime loan defaults is like blaming cake for fat people.

It’s fun to watch liberals trapped between political correctness and cultural sensitivity. This commercial is perfectly acceptable in China where girls and women are second class citizens. Don’t impose your own values on them.


Liberals— outragous!!

Odd religious references aside, I’m with the neighbors. I don’t want an amateur auto repair shop next to my home and if you’re honest, you probably don’t either.

Someone will have to explain the hilarity of this to me. Probably needs to be a too-cool hipster collector who can’t imagine why anyone would want a classic corvette over his 1958 Obscura hipstermobile.

Let’s get this car found people.

Why stop at ignoring illegal immigrants. Why not make it a sanctuary from all crime. That would be even more compassionate, right?

David Lee DRIVES and SHARES his Ferraris. Most new Ferrari owners, especially the limited edition ones, have more in common with the Kardashians than they do the enthusiast racer-owners that launched the company.

I’D say the man difference is the US landing took place when the current President of China was 16 years old. That’s right, China is attempting to accomplish what the US did in 1969, before most readers here were born.

What I see is a $8,000 bill for a 5 MPH impact in a parking lot either front or rear. Which means this car is going to cost about as much to insure as many cars 2 or 3 times it’s price.

I’ll bet it’s equally annoying for those in the business to be told by the media that follows them what they should be calling their product.

We’ve traded our most embarrassing and pointless car trend for theirs. Drifting, meet lowriders.

By more efficient, I assume you mean more efficient at gaming the EPA testing cycle. Because in reality you can count on this engine being on boost most of the time and thus get the same MPG as the superior higher displacement engine it replaces.

Enjoying watching the Left, long dismissive of state’s rights over the almighty Federal Government, suddenly worshiping at the alter of states rights. Something tells me it’s a marriage of convenience.

Criticism of Asian Female cabinet member in Democrat white house- racist and sexist. Same person, Republican white house— rush to pile on.

Not in a world with friction, mass, and inertia.