
How desperate do you have to be to get thrills from a Mazda3. The mechanic probably has access to 20 faster cars on any given day. Which isn’t saying much.

I love the bipolar indignation.

Only in this state? Have you ever traveled outside the United States? Like anywhere else in the world? Lane splitting is safe, legal, widely utilized and improves traffic flow in the capitals of countries around the world. Visit London, Paris, Berlin, Mexico City, Amsterdam, Rome, Moscow, Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul...if

You need to read the article more carefully. This has more to do with currency fluctuations than British people “having no money”. I happen to think the Brexit vote was a mistake, but it makes me eye-roll at all the things being blamed on the vote since it happened. The exit hasn’t even been implemented yet and won’t

Teslas don’t have transmissions.

interesting but speeds from 0-100 are all that really matter unless you’re racing. Even on the Autobahn, which I was on a couple of weeks ago in heavy traffic moving 70 MPH, opportunities for speeds greater than that are limited.

Here’s a newsflash—the government isn’t going to save you from anything. If there is a public panic, be smart and take care of yourself. . You seem to expect that the Mayor and the President would be issuing comforting hugs within seconds of someone getting sad at the airport. Comes across as a Millenial’s view of the

Despite the overly dramatic neighbors, I’d have to agree with them. Having that thing parked in my neighbors driveway all the time would be really annoying. It’s an eyesore and it makes the neighborhood look dumpy. Many cities have ordinances regulating long-term parking of large vehicles or trailers, even on private

Despite the groupthink pile-on of the previous 2012 Civic, it was actually a better car than the current Civic. Certainly has cleaner styling, more right-sized, normally aspirated, actual geared transmission, and the interior although not trendy was wash-and-wear durable. This new hatch and the sedan version is so

Having owned multiple new and used BMWs, you’re right on the money. German reliability is a total myth. The average American car is far more reliable. This is where I used to be able to say that BMWs were so much more engaging to drive. Sadly that also hasn’t been true for probably 10 years. Drive any new, non M BMW

I’d love to focus-group the 10 people that starred this comment. Just to analyze their minds.

How’s that working out for Brazil?

Maybe you slept through civics class, but the DNC is not a democracy and neither is the United States. Google constitutional republic.

Actually you bring up a very good point. Search the Leaf forums. Nissan dealers are universally reviled as being completely ignorant of the Leaf, reluctant to sell it, and often times actively attempt to steer sales to other cars.

You completely missed Tesla’s point. Their cars are different because they are electric. Not because they’re high-tech or hip or whatever. What other industry forbids sales by the manufacturer? It’s political cronyism at it’s worst. “sorry sir we can’t sell you our macbook directly, visit one of our dealerships, they

Tesla has had over 100 million miles of user feedback using autopilot, of the most useful form—detailed telemetric reports of performance. What they don’t want is someone violating the terms of agreement and then trying to get a free replacement car after a wreck by extorting the company, which is likely the case here.

Thank God for one voice of reason. How did we all become such a nation of bedwetters that any new technology that has the slightest element of risk involved, even if it’s less than the risk it’s replacing, is viewed as unacceptable? We’d all still be plowing with a mule with this hand-wringing.

Well that will come in handy for those times you want a full on drag all day long. Which is likely never.

Meanwhile on that same day 14,000 other cars were in accidents. Are all those manufacturers supposed to notify the NHTSB and their stockholders? Give me a break. Tesla is making thousands of cars a week, there’s going to be accidents, save some hissy for future fits.

Sorry to step out of line but I actually value the experience and the talent of the presenters more than how well they fill some race or gender quota. You do them a disservice. The show isn’t better because someone is black or has a vagina. It’s better because the hosts are better at what they do.