
I like oak myself, that's what's in my bedroom. How 'bout you Jimmie, you an oak man?

My co-worker and I were just discussing this. I'm wondering if we are all a bit older than the OKCupid subjects...



Don't be too quick to label someone; it gives you the illusion that you understand anything about them.

Well said. I'm wondering what it will take to get Americans into the streets (possibly the Rick Perry scenario/nightmare you chillingly described...I can't say that I agree that it's "very likely" that the next president will be Republican though; after the debt-ceiling extortion by the House I have a feeling that

Why? Because you think Monsanto has your best interests at heart?

thank you. His comments make no sense: Acrobat isn't a text-editor/word-processing app so he should be comparing Word to other text apps. As for file formats, I get better looking, smaller PDF's than .doc/.docx. Granted I'm on a mac.

nicely done.

2009 is not that old—that machine should be running smoothly. I have 2007 MBP's running fairly well (although I do not advise having tons of apps open of such old machines.)

Is this "raw denim" in any way related to the "secret brand" Gabriel Hounds denim featured in William Gibson's novel?

"in true Democrat fashion, you guys want the Federal government to tax them so the consumer pays more taxes"

Core2Duo +, no CoreDuo.

Actually I live in NYC and my only option is Time Warner Cable (15Mbps) or Verison DSL (7Mbps); meanwhile a block away they can get RCN cable...but not TWC. And FiOS is available in some buildings...but not others (not mine—I've been waiting for 4 years.)

what he said. How are you gonna ignore the OWC Mercury Extreme?


The iRig sounds pretty bad. None of the 1/4" high impedance guitar converters that I have tried for iOS devices sound particularly good (PRS, Amplitube and Peavy.) The Peavy iLink sounds the best, but these are really practice solutions only. The noise levels are unacceptable and the tone sucks, and latency is