
Possible? I think you've nailed it.

My wife is persian and I'm LMFAO'ing!

Krokodil is just the name given to the a highly-contaminated street version of Desomorphine. The reason it's so toxic is the impurities that result from inept synthesis from codeine (like making crystal meth from pseudoephedrine.)

coughed water out my nose!

That's what I thought too and for the same reason—shorter hand = hours.

You are hilarious, sir.


made me laugh!

"At least it's online. When cops bash people it's in the streets."

sadly, too many people do believe them.

wow. I'm speechless.

I think less and less people are falling for that little piece of marketing-speak.

ahh the memories.

Yeah I agree, but it's fairly innocuous compared to some of the other issues like not being able to assign unique ICC profiles to multiple displays that are identical models.

So you speak for the "artists?" Because I know quite a few musicians that would prefer to have you focus on the music rather than create a distraction to them and the people who ARE listening.

Memories are even cheaper, and far more valuable.

I love NIN but this photo does not inspire awe. It actually illustrates the point of the article pretty clearly and I intend absolutely no offense: it's a blown out photo with an under-exposed subject. You did a good job given the conditions, but what was the point?

Bush Tax Cuts. Let's get real here.

nicely done, sir.

nicely done.