
i guess it’s not surprising that the antiTech Amish would have an antiTech take on autism. It is a little surprising that this antiTech take talks ‘camel’.

i for one am sick of the endless machinations of Big Earplug


в советской россии Розанна отменяет ВАС

Now i’m going to bring this floral Arrangement

hard pass.

As someone who is trying to get rid of all his old Spawn stuff and discovering that no one wants it, I wonder why they’re bothering with a new movie.

and in contrast, you look 5 years younger!

can we have one version with Tambor and another without and compare please

* insert convoluted cutaway scene with Young Michael singing “You’re a Crook, Captain Hook” with large banner ovrhead saying “WELCOME TO THE PIRATE BAY” *

that never happens when i listen to Joe Rogan.

and funny how he’s the guy from that show who is really doing... okay

On a scale of 1 to 100, it can’t be worse that 44, but it can’t be any better than 52. So.

And also,

Human X could have edited any given article. That’s what editors do!

Between articles like this, and last week’s Weird Al articles, i wonder at the mounting distance between Boss and Peon that led to Nathan Rabin’s not writing here ianymore. Because, MAN could he write about video game movies inexplicably starring iconic character actors.

The only book readers left are in it purely for the boost of superiority it brings them to belittle others.

Jesus, what’s in your sperm

Jodie Comer and Sandra Oh try to outwit each other as a psychopath assassin and the detective on her tale

i’m looking out for my own PA right now

Ths place any your “let’s pile onto one guy” bullshit. Seriously, you guys fetishize your hatreds, you use “knowing who we hate here” as the post-unGrey’d hierarchy signaling.

Fucking high school.