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The Multiple Universe Theory, when overlayed with Time Travel, offers the possible explanation that the gang simply experienced one timeline, zipped back in time, and entered a different one. It seems that ‘local packets of causal continuity’ carry their own existence, and do not depend on their ‘surrounding’ universe…
I dreamed i was giving Beth Behrs the short shrift just last night
if you’re working for the Big M directly I bet they’ve got the primo stuff.
Ace of Base.
And if i mentioned that “Humans s03e01" is appearing on the Torrent feeds today, what’ll that post get me?
i thought that video games were what Canadians did in the winter instead of playing hockey. What kind of icy amphibian can have a foot in two ponds so?
This movie completely encapsulates what i call “Second Campaign” syndrome. Get a story-based DungeonMaster and a character-driven Player in a bsement for a few years, you’ll get an epic advance from Level 1 to, say, 14. By the end of this, your arc is finished, you’ve killed / dicovered /slain / avenged what you’ve…
It’s like smallpox. You gonna stamp it out of Louisiana, but it persists in Chihuahua, it’s all the same to some kid in Arizona ten years later, right?
These ideas that make us into worse versions of ourselves, they’re infectuous. You gotta stamp it our of everywhere at once, in this world we’re in. So, the US, Canada,…
only relatively, Mancy. Only relatively.
Jesus, the guy made a joke.
Let all Americans take note: the internet is not American
it’s hardly a hot take, most of the world shares this sentiment, because y’all broadcast American idiocy across all media into our faces, it’s all we see. American violence? You sell us images. American idiocy? You sell us images. American brilliance, as expressed by Americans? It resonates as propaganda, we ignore…
omg it leads the pack
0. awesome, you’re welcome
1. you absolutely didn’t
I’ve learned nothing about this product, but i learned something about you.
I for one am glad they forewent the oft-inevitable “Han gets bitten by a radioactive Nerf-Spider on the desert planet Bla’andtooine” origin story imbrogio
I have two just post teenage nieces...
they’ve come out the other end -
woo hoo!
Look at what shoes are mega-hits, and see what quality they share, and see if you watch it.
If you do not watch mega-hits it is because mega-hits usually suck.
If mega-hits suck, it is because the majority of Americans are idiots with poor taste.
Therefore for this show to have been a mega-hit, it needed to suck.
the sameness across the country, making it seem like a promotional creation perpetrated by an idiot demographic for lulz?