She starred in one of my dad’s films in the late 60s, and they briefly dated. My mom was quite jealous whenever there’s be a Superman promo on TV.
She starred in one of my dad’s films in the late 60s, and they briefly dated. My mom was quite jealous whenever there’s be a Superman promo on TV.
I’ve never understood the logic of people thinking that a smaller number of episodes would mean a larger budget per episode. It’s not like the constraint is ABC/Disney having a limited amount of cash to spend
My worry is, when i see things like “Dwarf Quirk” tables —usually offered as 8 examples— one ends up seeing lots of the same 8 kinds of Dwarfs, and this is just a more diverse flavour of boring.
you are pandering for upvotes. But why? Kinja no longer offers Amazon coupons for 10,000 stars.
let’s make TTDM the YMMV of 2018!
I don’t get why people are so against eating dogs. I ate it when I was stationed in Korea. Honestly, it wasn’t great but I have no moral stance against eating them.
한국에 제일 높은 산이 뭐에요?
“Laugh it up, fuzzball!”
“....i told you i was free that weekend- look, i don’t care.”
I would like the phrase “bucket list” to be excised from the cultural matrix, your honor.
* retracts *
I was so startled and dismayed about Brooklyn Nine-Nine being canceled that I actually teared up briefly when I heard.
Full disclosure: he’s my landlord.
nothing beats the Mahavishnu Orchestra (featuring Mahavishnu John MacLaughlin). i mean, couldn’t just be Vishnu, Vishnu wasn’t Full God enough, it had to be Mahavishnu. A fully transcendent deity and they still had no bassoons.
apathetic parents don’t have kids in advanced classes
I had no problem with him getting rich being a loud asshole; i have a problem with him, now rich, being an unpaid loud asshole. I don’t want his loud asshole opinion, i shouldn’t have to hear it just because he’s rich, and when i hear it, i hate.
He wouldn’t’ve gotten in trouble if he could “self-submit”
it’s ironic because the whole sexual harassment incident was all about his demand to be “quietly pulled”.
“truly [reborn in fire and blood in the visceral and] outrageous!!”
-variety magazine
tiny floral haiku
painted on turtles
my next gimmick account