
Your inability to process gore and violence against teens makes me suspect you’re not a real doctor

Kerala, India.

I predict this will divide the Internet.

25 IF X=51 THEN RUN REALIZATON.EXE “omg ma basic”

If it is truly plagarised, how can you tell which one is strongsauce and which is weaksauce

“They like him”??? I’d’ve thought he’d make a perfect target for anybody who felt besieged by a medical bill.

Ma basic? MA??????

“Hollow takedowns based on stock catchphrases rahter than real insight? That’s a paddlin’.”

I think someone needs to have a serious talk with you about dietary fibre.

“why the hell do I care what this guy says?” is exactly my attitude to Bourdain!

i saw the CinemaSins edition of the film, it was fine, about 12 minutes long, pretty funny


Again, i am fooled by seeing “the World” in a headline, and hope for a new “nternational angle” of some sort, some kind of point of view

but no, as usual “the World” means “us only”


Why would you call it Best F(r)iends and not Be(a)st F(r)iends???

Whedon’s once-unassailable star also dimmed a lot in the past year, with his ex-wife publicly declaring him a “hypocrite” for “preaching feminist ideals” while he repeatedly cheated on her.


Notice Ted Danson’s not chiming in on this.

The above article is rightly quite scathing in reminding us that Simon & Schuster were not bothered by Yiannopoulos’ racist and sexist pronouncements, and only severed ties with him after he tried to defend hebophilia.

* checks pencil *