

1. When one writes “tomato, tomahto” one is underlining difference, not sameness. If you wrote “tomato = tomato”, then this emphasises sameness.

Sorry, not just Jews - Muslims don’t eat pork either.

I dunno. There’s always a local academic drive to show how one’s cultural rules are “actually based in reason and science” and all but unbiased scholarship wouldn’t atttrubite “secret health reasons” to laws presented from On High. I mean, of course modern practicig Kosher Jews who believe in a loving God, would

I read right through from Gen. to Acts
Head is swimming with vows and pacts
I can’t sleep ‘cause my bush’s on fire
I’ll make you suffer my thwarted desires


The origins of all the biblical stories were absolutely part of the common cultural stew- and doubtless, few were limited to any one people. Sumerian creation myths led to the Hebraic ones; sacifice-centric cultures often had deities sacrificing themselves; both Moses and Krishna were royal births hidden from evil

Bottom line is that Vishnevetsky has no proof Samson was intended as “white counter-programming” beyond the coincidence of it showing up right now. His biases are showing, his prejudices are showing, and his hate is showing.

With the sort of textual insight one would expect from a movie that presumes the “corn” referred to in the Old Testament is maize

I’ve seen the little guy at the Avocado, and even at Breitbart, trolling around.

pretty sure that little guy was also the same guy who was the Dungeon Master in that cartoon in the 80s. Do not cross that guy.

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Will Ron Howard burn with the rest or not


To nullify, it’s have to be backwards, upside down, and photo-negative’d.

“Basic Cable Hayley Atwell” is 0% insult

She’s Basic Cable Hayley Atwell.

It implies that the poster thinks the optimal way to make manifest the sexuality of Kat Dennings would be to approach her as a woman, with the hope that this might be reciprocated by the lady in question.

And how!

AVC: Is “Immigrant Song” a staple?