Extraordinary Landmine55

White nationalism is an identitarian ideology. You cannot be Jewish and be accepted as a white nationalist. The White nationalists will never accept you. Never.

“All racism is bad, but not all racism is equal.

Don’t run from the cops.

Don’t cross a border illegally and you won’t have to face them. Ta-Da!

Honestly, who gives a shit.

Since the guy you’re responding to is a giant pussy who dismisses people who disagree with him, allow me to respond to him here:

They can’t. It is all they have left.

Hey guys, guys... I bet when Trump’s followers learn that the Mueller report is not anything close to a wholesale exoneration of the President, but is actually an exceedingly complex legal document that outlines a staggering amount of evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Trump’s various organizations and teams and

I would like to see the electoral college go away for all of the reasons that others have laid out, and that you have rejected, which is fine. That’s your perspective, and I am willing to listen to it.

This is typical Democrat horse pucky.

“Um, because it’s a position that is blatantly hostile to the smaller states that we still need to win to regain the presidency.”

I am sick of this site spreading lies about slavery and the Electoral College.  It was about balancing power between large and small states.  That’s it, that’s the list.

Literally could not give less fucks. Walk your asses back across the border and come in the legal way or shut the hell up. Chapped lips, sick kids, sleeping on the hard ground? Isn’t that what they experienced on their trip up here? What’s a few more days of it then? AND THEN THEY GOT RELEASED STRAIGHT INTO OUR

We're mad at the word "appears" now? Ok Splinter.

Here’s what happens next, since none of you have any foresight or understanding of our present reality.

Guy proud he’s black: Awesome

Read any industry leading magazine that discusses the automotive, manufacturing or technology sector’s coming initiatives and products.

She is horrible.  I hope cooler heads prevail here and the Republicans provide a thoughtful option and encourages the private sector to continue their development of the technology and products we need to make key changes for climate.

she would be taking action to protect the nation from a threat.