You should be questioning your beliefs instead of regurgitating them. Get to some thinking, the Trump Russia nonsense should inspire at least that.
You should be questioning your beliefs instead of regurgitating them. Get to some thinking, the Trump Russia nonsense should inspire at least that.
Walls have worked in Hungary and Israel. There is no reason to believe they can’t work here. Some may point out the Hungarians have a smaller boarder, which is true, but America is much bigger and richer than Hungary.
If walls don’t work then why are you all so against one on the southern border? Green New Deal costs what, 10 trillion? So it’s not about money.
The Dems do not want a wall because walls are effective in stopping illegal immigration. The Dems want illegal immigration because the NGOs promoting illegal immigration make sure to inform illegal immigrants that if they want to stay in America they will need to vote for Dems. It’s important to note that it is…
Trump Collusion Delusion Syndrome at work here...
Does Rosenstein count?
Sorry. No evidence is no evidence. I know it hurts. But it is what it is.
Yeah! And then when the full report doesn’t say what we want it to say, Congress should subpoena Mueller! And when he basically stands by the report and doesn’t feed our bloodlust, we’ll call him a dirty Republican and call on the House Democrats to keep investigating him, while we place all our hopes on the Southern…
Democrats did this
Ask the racist morons at The Root? Why the fuck would any sane person want to subject themselves to that level of retardation?
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” — Winston Churchill, House of Commons, 22 October 1945.
For perhaps the first time in living memory, reparations for African-Americans are a topic of serious mainstream political discussion.
Again, I’m not defending him or killing journalists.
A) being ‘a long time reader’ doesn’t give you any ownership of this blog or the comment sections. You are not a moderator, nor are you owning any share of the company, so I don’t see how it’s your job to police.
You really think that’s some big gotcha that justifies a months-long concerted harassment campaign, huh?
You do know it’s not normal behavior to obsessively keep track of and harass everyone who’s ever disagreed with you on a website, right?
Sophie, is there any way you guys can do something about the people going out of their way to harass this one particular user? Not only is it an ugly attempt to silence someone who they don’t agree with, it derails every comment section with their bizarre grudge.
Even if you want to call that a capitalist regime, which is debatable, given that the country’s most valuable assets were sill controlled by the central power, you have ONE example of a capitalist dictator. There are tenfold the number of socialist/communist dictators throughout history. Regardless, the most…