
i think a lot of people feel like it should be like how DMV issues ID cards or drivers licenses (even if the service is still notoriously awful). you get your photo there and done.

this was a really nice write up! The Last Jedi’s pacing problems were a little too much for me to really want to see it again, but I’m considering it having read this.

Up and Coco are pretty much tied for #1 imo. Unlike Luke, I found Up to be moving to the very end.

The final ending of NieR: Automata. Wait, scratch that - all 5 main endings of NieR: Automata.


Nothing can top NieR: Automata for me. My number 1 was Mario and then I played NieR and it was a no brainier. NieR just hits all the right notes for me as a gamer.

Of all it’s missteps, I think “Laura Dern” and everything is forgiven.

A JRPG is an RPG. Grinding, and the effective enjoyment or disappointment that comes of it, is not exclusive to JRPGs.

you might want rethink dropping a mic on the ground if there’s no audience to applaud you

does anyone know if this game runs well on PS4 Pro or Xbox One X? I seem to remember that Digital Foundry had some problems with the game at launch. Have these issues been ironed out??

does anyone know if this game runs well on PS4 Pro or Xbox One X? I seem to remember that Digital Foundry had some

Mental health should be dealt with delicately but lines should also be made clear and deliberate from the get-go. If someone expresses they have suicidal thoughts, yes, resources should be given to the person (such as directing them to Twitch’s mental health page), but anything beyond that should not be handled by the

what is a lucifer biscuit?

I will pass your compliment along! Thank you!! :)

This was nice to read, especially nice because my husband worked on this game for 2+ years, and I was able to beat it a few weeks ago in front him. I can only imagine how good it feels for him to see things like that. I also want to share this, his post from the night before South Park launched. It still makes me cry

Now playing

The Room definitely has a large cult following here. Just today, I walked into work and said “Oh hi!” to my coworker without even thinking about it. lol

The gay following of the room is not negligible. At least not here. I live in the Bay Area where they have routinely done late night showings of The Room in Oakland. I can assure you that many of us gays eat that silly movie up!

I bow to the taylor swift authority. I accept my mistakes and i’m moving on.

I used this as an opportunity to point out that Kesha is more deserving of the attention, which I believe she is. I don’t think that’s a bad take. I think this is the first time in my life that I have ever talked about Taylor Swift so extensively and it amuses me that people are piling up on me for a sarcastic comment

I’m at work. I skimmed the headline of the article linked by the other Swift fan. I read the Times article.

I’ll eat crow on that. I obviously wasn’t aware.