
This is a very perverted view of shaming btw. But you’ve no problem with shaming the victim for speaking up.

Don’t you think it’s common decency to say or do something if you see someone getting harassed? And I’m not talking about just in game. If a person is getting brutally harassed in any circumstance right in front of you, are you just going to hold your head down and act like nothing is going on? Just going to walk on

The only Halo Top I sort of liked was the Peanut Butter Cup flavor. But even then, there were no actual peanut butter cups in it and there were like 2 strands of actual peanut butter amidst all the almost-chocolaty “ice cream” in it.

I don’t know if I’m more disappointed in your comment or the 10 people that started it

Leah Remini should do an A&E documentary show on where Lamby and Shelly Miscavige are. I dunno it just sounds like they may be in the same place.

counterpoint: you should buy a switch

we should just build a wall to prevent the worm from getting to me

People pronounce Oregon itself weirdly. I grew up saying “Or-reh-gun” or “Or-gun” if I was talking fast. I’m a California native and most everyone her says it one of those two ways here (not sure how Oregon natives prefer it). Once in a while on the news or someone not from here says “Or-reh-gone” and it’s really

This response needs more stars.


Picked up Wolfenstein The New Order on a PlayStation sale and intend to play more of that. Also picked up Nex Machina, which is super awesome.

Great. So you’re very passionate about this. I don’t believe this rumor. Let it rest.

lol, k

I am leaning on this solution. thank you.

My partner has a mechanical keyboard and his computer is in the same room as our TV. Sometimes I want to grab his keyboard and chuck it out the window because it’s so damn loud.

List the other rumors.

I have MS and I’d probably consider being friends with Taylor Swift like befriending an autoimmune disorder

All the developers probably had a great laugh over that South Park post. But it is sort of sad to see how people knee-jerk their ways into believing falsehoods.

I hope you’re self-aware enough to understand that what you’re saying - the accusation that you’re making against Sony - is hilarious to people like me.

that is pretty impressive, actually.