
Oral is Moral baby.

He could have also just said "Because I like getting laid, and pretending to care about this crap works every time"

HA, You found a way to sell gay marriage to the Republicans! Good job!

His affairs had nothing to do with his decline, it hurt his bank account and his public image, but his knee injuries and subsequent surgeries coupled with chronic back issues are the reason he doesn't dominate anymore. That, and he was simply ahead of the curve for his time, it took a few years but the rest of the

The only people that suffer are the broadcasters that carry the tournaments, that may or may not trickle down to the viewers.

Tiger attracted a new audience to golf, and I think the fair-weather fans have already stopped watching as he started to decline and started becoming sidelined by injuries.

Small man complex...

The one thing there isn't a rehab for.

I have nothing against kids, I do have something about people who have kids though.

Thou shalt not take Pizza's name in vain.

This is hilarious, cats are the best. I have a 90lb Rottweiler who, if the door isn't open wide enough for her to get through, she will just sit there on the other side crying until you liberate her.

The worst part is when she cries, she sounds like Celine Dion.

Nothing screams "I'm a pussy bitch" more than sucker punching someone.

Hopefully this ends his football career.

If colostomy bags are you thing, its worth a watch.

I think I speak for everyone: Fuck people who make sweeping generalizations.

One bad egg...

This guy was fucked up before he ever got into MMA, unfortunately learning the skills martial arts teaches you only helps him as a fucked up person do more damage.

That moth was probably the most organic thing someone who eats at KFC has ever encountered.

He dumped his dead-weight fiancee and started killing it.

This is the problem with things like Facebook. It gives people the false sense that people actually care about what they have to say, like their friends are their captive audience and not just on there to see/mock your bikini photos.

You can keep her.

They somehow managed to cast it with worse actors than the actual show.

There are people with real problems out there, if you can't hack it just shut the fuck up and kill yourselves already.

Wussy Americans. In Russia, hockey plays you.