
Can someone remind me again why this... thing is popular? It looks like a retarded 12 year old boy.

This comment is exactly why there were 15000+ of these surgeries last year.

Typical. The hottest ones are usually the coldest fish.

This guy is a great American hero. They need to do an episode about this on Drunk History.

Whats all this talk about not having sex during your period?

This swan is a hero.

Simmer down, she's not really that attractive.

These two gentlemen now have grounds to sue his stupid rich ass.

Yeah its just too bad when the woman is the cheater. What can the guy sue her for, half her makeup and the half of his money she already spent?

The other thing, is you don't want to be bi-racial in Alberta. Its one of the most racist parts of our country unfortunately. (A close second to Quebec)

Bitches who kill spiders and wanna pop out a baby in the living room are deal breakers for me too. I can see where he's coming from.

The moral of the story is: Spousal abuse, Its only bad if you get caught doing it.

I love how you mentioned Tina Fey so you can use her as the lead image for a story that doesn't relate to her at all since she is one of most employed females in Hollywood (or NYC or North America for that matter)

This is very true. A lot of white people don't want to admit it, but I have been plenty mouthy to cops in my day with no repercussions but I have black friends who have asked the officer why they needed to see their identification when they haven't done anything wrong and got slammed into the ground.

Great piece.

And 50% of them will be separated by 12/13/15

I'd like to appoint her Editor in Chief of my heart

This is what it looks like when I try to play hockey.

Welcome to the real world big guy!

At least you 'made it' now. Or, at least aren't yet as annoyed with your current place of employment. But hey, if things don't work out, you can get another crappy writing job, burn some more bridges and make a few more bucks by writing another overly verbose, woe-is-me article to

Interesting... Using unwanted attention in order to get wanted attention through another medium. I'm sure she will get a lot of positive female comments on her website, and nothing will change.