This is being made into an issue by the media and self-loathing white people because she is black.
This is being made into an issue by the media and self-loathing white people because she is black.
'That asshole guy' also known as Doug Ford, Rob's brother, also a city councillor who was known in his high school days as 'The Hash King of Etobicoke"
(Etobicoke is a borough of Toronto)
These guys both have promising careers in international soccer if they learn how to kick a ball.
I had forgotten how slutty bridesmaids are! Maybe I will go to those 3 weddings this summer after all!
I guess anyone with a camera is called a photographer these days...
She did a piss poor job at replicating the poses and the angles, not to mention the backgrounds or lighting.
You guys don't get it. They have an incredibly deep and ever changing roster of fighters and they are trying to build stars and followings with these regional shows. The UFC is gigantic, right now they are doing what could be likened to shoring up the foundation of the house before they build a few more stories on it.
Of course they are, its a Television show.
That was back when she was actually trying to be an actor. You obviously haven't seen the train wrecks that were her last few movies. It's 'fat person slap stick' very physical comedy ala Farley.
Do yourself a favour, don't watch her latest movies, they aren't any good. (for more reasons than just her existence in them)
Breaking news, Judaism is not a race.
America distinguished it as a race in the 80's for the sold purpose of anti-discrimination laws. Many jewish people didn't like this fact.
I can google things too.
This was done well though, You can't expect Seth Rogen to put the kind of time and effort Trey & Matt put into their incredible marionette musical.
I don't understand why they 'rock out' on their instruments, when the track was clearly all produced by a synth...
Or make music videos anymore...
She's only famous because she is fat and she stole Chris Farley's act. I hate when these people try to fight against the only thing that makes them famous. Jonah Hill is another good example of this.
This is what happens when you play a sport in which you don't have to use your arms.
You have weak, brittle girl arms.
Brazil. Not the place you want to get arrested.
And the Oscar for best dramatic actor goes to: Guy who got his shoulder slightly head butted, then writhed around on the floor like a kindergartener!
Does anyone really believe a single thing that comes out of this troll's mouth? Every single thing about her is completely fake.
In fact, it may make some of these people MORE racist for not having seen The Colour Purple.
Unfortunately, Taylor Swift was not harmed.