This article should have just been titled #NotAllMen
This article should have just been titled #NotAllMen
I really hope he sells that girlfriend in the 'Surprise Gang-Bang' section of craigslist if/when he comes home.
I think the key is to make sure the car is parked and the E-brake is on before insertion.
Alpha men don't need to worry about your colour chart, they take what they want.
So is it a prerequisite that in order to play soccer you have to be a gigantic pussy?
She's gotta go back to wearing those baggier dresses...
It this happened in America, the streaker could then sue the security company, the stadium, the owners of the home team, the owners of the away team, the guy that sold him popcorn in the first half, his step-mother for telling him streaking was a good idea and the manufacturer of the grass they used on the field for…
Sorry, you said #notallmen - all of the women stopped listening to you already.
Someone has daddy issues.
That or she has issue with hygiene.
Probably both.
So what you are trying to say is that eventually all american women will be hobbits?
Especially when he so obviously tried to cleat the catcher.
First off, I never said 'billions of dollars'
I could keep going, those are just the ones that pop up first.
I see, you are one of those useless fuckers that just likes to sit back and snipe at people. not actually trying to find solutions to any problems. See how far that gets you in life.
So what, you would rather them spend millions of dollars to produce a spot, including a trademarked NFL team logo (which costs at 6 figures) and buy airtime during half-time of the NBA finals ($$$$$) to possibly sway public opinion about something that should and eventually will be changed anyway? Instead of trying to…
Just change the stupid team name already so they will all shut the fuck up and stop wasting money on television advertisements instead of feeding their people.
The United States still owes China around 17 TRILLION DOLLARS and over 60% of the world is asian, this chick should check her privilege.
My favourite part about this is the fact that you can buy it in size 'XS'
I thought America was all about freedom... Why can't a designer refuse to make clothing for people above or below a certain size? Its their choice who they make clothes for. Why does everyone always have to be coddled and included these days?
This guy is my hero. I'm sure his neighbours don't share my feelings.
Man, DAOC was the shit back in the day before WOW came along, I loved that game.