
I only partly blame him. (his writing had gone downhill even before his son’s death) Most of the blame really goes to the Marvel higher ups who should have known he wasn’t in the right place to tackle such a large project. They should have moved him over to a smaller project where he could earn a few bones, and put

This week in Ravi is the Best

Metric fuckton of snark. New band name

I believe that should be “metric fucktonne.”

All those TV movies/miniseries from the ‘90s are godawful. Especially The Shining.

Terry Chen is doing good work at playing Prax, who is probably the worst POV character in all the books (it’s between him and Elvi).

I’m looking forward to the next Star Wars book…

John Oliver just had a still of Donald Trump as Veruca Salt. Thank you for reminding me of that.

Quick! Do an episode where Rick really wants McDonald’s to pay it’s workers a living wage!

Thoughts and prayers

Man, Carol Channing looks really good for 97!

Jesus Christ, now I know what I’ll be thinking about when I go to bed tonight and decided to sleep in the middle of the bed.

Considering that I had trouble breathing by the end of my first watch of Jack-Jack Attack, I’m not sure I want a whole film of that. It may actually kill me.

I am bewildered as to why Saru hasn’t given Tilly a field commission to bring her from Cadet to Ensign, at the very effing least. She is a Wesley Crusher that works and curses, dammit, AND by my count she’s saved the ship twice.

You’re obviously so invested in these posts that you didn’t even mention that there is no show next week.

Bringing you out of the greys because I’m stunned by stupidity in this comment.

I just assumed that Mac would find an almost perfect reproduction of Dennis to be with (physically, psychologically, etc…).

Watched it a few nights ago again and it was hysterically funny.