
In the New 52 continuity Dick was adopted when he was in his mid/late teens, Jason was either adopted or had recieved a sponsorship from a Wayne Enterprises charity, though I am pretty certain it’s the former rather than the latter.

smokebomb dude

yeah he adopted Dick, Jason and Tim

I’m sorry but he knocked the Coma Doof Warrior (guitar guy), he is one of the best parts of the movie!

any character whose not had permenant successors suffers from this, spidey’s situation is more due to the fact that nobody at marvel believes it’s worth doing

The annual was just fantastic, everything from the art to the writing was pitch perfect for me. In all honesty it’s now in my mind how bruce’s story ends, I can’t think of a better way to end his story.

so like once the whole scenario has played out that earth dies

it works in context

why are you reading this then? If you haven’t read DC for 7 years why do you care.

not anymore, since y’know Deadpool is a comedic character who breaks the fourth wall so often that it looks like a photo of coventry during the blitz

Ah I wondered where you had gotten to! I assumed you had gotten lost in your latest expedition into the darkest depths of your rectum!

It will forever be canon! It is fucking comedy gold!

no, Johns said that Doomsday Clock’s story was set a year ahead in DC continuity so that by the time it finishes the rest of the dcu will’ve caught up

that wasn’t what set it off, they explicitly say that the new frontiersman had published an article on it and got blanked, another paper published a story on it several years later which got taken seriously.

... currently DC is dominating the sales lists and has been doing so for nearly a year now, they haven’t written this fucked up a story in ages

I mean the whole idea of Rebirth was to reinject hope into the DCU and it’s reflected in most of the books, like the only truly bleak ongoing is Deathstroke and that’s just plain appropriate. Superman is pretty positive, Batman is currently exploring how Bruce is trying to find happiness

I read it that way as well but I also read the issue so I put it down to poor phrasing or charles misremembering. either way the issue is plenty disturbing without it and is without a doubt not for kids. Honestly though I have to give DC major props for putting this book out, that takes some major balls to do.

well the dude who’s probably wishing some great cosmic being would take pity on him and get him as far away from that hellspawn that’s in the room with him. seriously The Batman Who Laughs is fucking horrifying

you don’t see Lois get torn apart

you don’t see Lois get torn apart