
once upon a time nobody considered that Kite Man would be a sympathetic, three dimensional character

“Was it as good for you as it was for me?” “BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

I believe that in the Book of Revalations, the seventh and final seal of the Apocalypse is Dan Harmon on cocaine.

Batman rides a fucking velociraptor at one point in the book

Nightwing is worth checking out, believe it or not Deathstroke is consistantly fantastic, Detective Comics is pretty solid as is Green Arrow!

I kind of hope that Cercei is actually mistaken and that Euron genuinely has decided to get the hell out of dodge

likely a combination of methane gas from the decomposing beast and oxygen since the Night King could will it to inhale that would explain why the flames it was exhaling were blue

I have four theories: 1. he relies on smell 2. he uses echolocation (naturally this is done either by constantly laughing or inflicting pain on his robins) 3. the robins act as his eyes 4. he uses a combination of all three like some nightmarish incarnation of daredevil

*cough* Clark, Lois and Jon, Diana and Steve, Arthur and Mera *cough*

In the New 52/Rebirth its a glyph meaning Atlantis, also the New 52/Rebirth Aquaman series (exculding Cullen Bunn’s run which should be utterly ignored) is pretty damn awesome.

Man of Steel simply declared fuck it to slow motion and just showed how fast Kryptonians appeared to humans, in that they moved so fast that they seemed to fucking teleport

Geoff Johns made no illusions that they were going to take a different tact with Manhattan and that it would not have several panels of superman and co repeatedly punching Dr Manhattan in the face. Like that was something he had stated following DC Universe Rebirth being released

Arthur and Mera are also either married or engaged currently

yeah, since the cover has a great big rebirth banner on it, its pretty easy to tell what it is

Detective and Action comics have returned to their original numbering now

I mean it makes sense because in reality Luddendorf had been especially determined to keep the war going for as long as possible in the hopes of forcing better terms, plus Germany had the most aggressive mobilisation strategy of any of the beligerents (literally to mobilise was to go to war in the case of the

I reckon that zeus wasn’t her father, I think they may have her be ares’ child, that could actually work in a thematic sense by having the child of war fight for peace. 

thinks to self: now why was I getting all freaked out by Frodo being gored in Fellowship of the RIng at the tender age of 5 when other people were being introduced to john hurt having a fucking ET play peekaboo with his chest around the same age

bugger it go full on doomguy on those assholes rip and tear the fuckers

you realise that every character there has killed people right??? like literally all of them