Grab Her By The Brain is an initiative dedicated to empowering females of all ages. Honored to take part.
Grab Her By The Brain is an initiative dedicated to empowering females of all ages. Honored to take part.
Does Aronofsky have a big peepee or something? What is the appeal of this man that got him married to Jennifer Connolly and Rachel Weisz? He’s always seemed like a drip to me. But, I don’t know any of these people. I just hate that dudes movies.
Well, I for one don’t mind SOMEONE FINALLY grilling Clinton just a little bit after all the softballs and kid-glove treatment she gets from the media.
It’s one of the uniformed white dudes he’s complaining about. He’s just wearing blackface.
Just cut the things I don’t use. Duh.
It’s not clear what Weiner, a former congressman for the fucking state of New York, would be charged with
Yah but you treat it like god, so that is pretty much the same thing. Some unknowable, but all powerful thing that floats around.
As a POC, our skin color is not GOD, ok? This:
The phone lines are tangled up and he’s blue.
Isn’t the problem obvious? He can’t hear the ringer on his phone now that he has Nobel.
Mama take this Nobel off of me
Hes probably in the basement.
People’s inability to just shut up about their own politics when paying to see an artist perform has always stumped me. In 2006/7 Roger Waters toured. The second half of the show was him performing Dark Side of the Moon, but the first half of the show was a mixed bag from his entire catalog. He played “Leaving Beirut”…
That don’t impress me much.
Because God hates us and he wants us to be unhappy.
Credit Mobilier! That was a good one.
Michelle Obama isn’t supporting Trump? Shocking...
You think that’s a bad flight? You’ve never been over Macho Grande.