
Jesus Christ. Stop. We all know what a swastika means in American society. Regardless of what it meant before, it has come to mean a specific thing. It wasn't meant as a Tibetan good luck symbol, and that's not the connotation it carries. I truly could not give less of a shit what it meant before — it means something

I don't think much would be lost if Kinja just didn't allow burner accounts to post links, videos or gifs.

Do you even go here?

Now I'm not an expert photo analyst, but I have worked with LOTS of families over the years, and I will pride myself on being able to spot some weirdness. And I'm telling you: the Machenberg-Ney family is not doing so well. The mom hypnotizes the three kids? Yeah, well, from the body language of those three kids, I

It's pretty obvious that the most extreme thing any of these families are doing is being on television. Also, we talk about the body language of the teenage girl in the last family? I love it.

The thing about science is that it tends to be about results. If you stop eating gluten and you feel better (or not), then there may be a range of opinions on why, but the theory doesn't trump real-world outcome. Internet tough guys like deciding on your behalf what is and isn't wrong with you, but you should always

Actually, we were discussing the FDA. I don't think the word "intolerance" came up. Not every discussion about gluten needs to be a fight.

I got me one of these for the cabin. I'm addicted and am going to get one for the city.

Well, how to you like that! Neato!

My (very preppy new englander) coworker told me she bought a yogurt maker from Williams Sonoma for $200. When I found the same thing on Amazon for less than $50, she told me that she paid extra on purpose because the WS version was a limited edition color with the WS logo so it's better.

Yes, exactly. Putting a $150 dollar strap on a $20 watch and selling it for $180 sounds a lot like selling a $3000 set of rims by first putting them on a junked out Ford Tempo. What? Is this that hi-lo thing fashion people are always talking about?

Yes, often I feel the ability to get rich = the ability to confidently disregard the internal voice that regular people have that says, "that's a terrible fucking idea! No one would buy that shit! That's straight-up crazy!"

I love watches, too, and I would NEVER pay $110 for a TIMEX. That's just stupid.

I would even posit that romantic love isn't all that important in the long run. Mutual respect and affection will see you through a hell of a lot more than romance ever will.

So people who view the world like adults are more likely to experience satisfying, long-term adult relationships? Fuckin' studies, man. They'll surprise you every time.

"Actually women can be Bears, though they generally (but not always) identify specifically as Ursulas."

I'm with you. I had clotting issues and am unable to take any hormonal birth control, and basically condoms and the copper IUD are the only thing left. But since it's fucking dangerous for me to get pregnant anyway (see clotting risk + autoimmune marker that ups heart risk for baby + the world's most incompetent

Holy crap, look what I just found on Amazon!

This is why I only get traditional American tattoos. I like the way photorealistic and watercolor stuff looks when it's fresh but who knows how it'll age? People haven't been tattooing like that for long enough to know. But we know exactly how traditional styles will look. And they will look awesome.

Really, dude? It says "with stretch" right in the product heading. "With stretch" is not 100% cotton, and for those of us with vaginas, sometimes any added stretch can create yeast infection issues or skin allergy issues. It took me less than .49 seconds to decide that you're an ass hat.