
No. Have read everything Saunders (and almost universally love everything Saunders) and I find this … irritating(???). Just getting started, and I'm sure it'll get better/more complex/etc, but so far it feels like a chore that I'm supposed to be thankful for.

They're just commenters, not humans. Never forget that.

When I Am Legend becomes Fresh, Prince the live-in.


They're just winging it, guessing that with the apocalypse, none of the zombie just flew in from Liberia.

It's the Three-fifths Compromise all over again!

The writers never developed the baby's character enough for me to really care. You think T-Dog had a dearth of lines? Pshhht.

I'll say, severely incompetent. The Gov packed up, drove out of camp in a bigass van, had a zombie-bog-sigh, then drove said bigass van back into camp. Nobody saw that? Heard anything? Sounds sleepers, those zombie-bait, they are…

To Chappy… *clink*

Not to mention with, like, what … four gallons of it for the entire operation?
The body might develop a nasty ass-rash, but it ain't disappearing.